Music has changed people’s lives. Whether it is by a song touching you, creating your own music, or coming together in a music community. One Voice Children’s Choir has formed a community that is helping enrich and change the lives of over 100 children.
One Voice Children’s Choir was created for children of all ages to come together to uplift and unite in music.

One Voice Children’s Choir craft songs of their own or create a new arrangement for songs from other artists. The children in this video create a new arrangement to the popular song “I Can Only Imagine” by MercyMe. Every child within the video are stunningly talented.
There are eleven soloists, twenty violinists and three dancers.

One Voice Children’s Choir’s vision statement is that, “Through music, they will inspire, enrich, uplift and serve their global community, while building youth as One Voice.”
To create their vision statement the choir only performs songs that are “value oriented” as one music family. To be able to be one family with one voice, the choir does not separate the children into groups by age. They literally mean one voice and every member performs together as one.

One Voice Children’s Choir have performed for over 125 nations, competed on AGT, for President Obama, and even on the beaches of Normandy for a commemoration of D-Day.

Their YouTube channel has over 2.1 million followers and over 336 million views. That is immensely impressive for a children’s choir from Northern Utah. It just shows how talented and well-loved the One Voice Children’s Choir really is. For this particular video the choir does not only perform the hit song “I Can Only Imagine,” they created their own original music video.

“I Can Only Imagine” was written by Bart Millard, the lead singer of MercyMe.
“When my father passed in 1991, he left me with the assurance that he was headed to a better place. For several years following his death, I would find myself writing the phrase ‘I can only imagine’ on anything I could find. That simple phrase would give me a peace thinking about what my dad was finally experiencing,” Bart explains.
The song explains Bart’s imagining on what his first-time meeting Jesus will be like.

The song was a number one hit in Christian music and crossed over into Adult Contemporary and Top 40 radio, which does not happen that often. The song was also turned into a movie of the same name starring Dennis Quaid. The movie uncovers Bart’s abusive childhood at the hands of his father, but how his faith kept his dreams and hopes alive. It also demonstrates the reconciliation of father and son.

“I Can Only Imagine” is a song that has touched thousands of people. Its message strikes right at the soul for many that are struggling or in need of a refreshing of their faith. To listen the touching lyrics from the voice of children brings the song to a new level. The song begins,
“I can only imagine what it will be like
When I walk, by your side
I can only imagine what my eyes will see
When you face is before me
I can only imagine”

Watch the One Voice Children’s Choir beautifully sing “I Can Only Imagine” right below, but it will tug at your heartstrings so be prepared.
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