Of all the many competition shows on television, one of the most interesting has to be The Voice.
For those who don’t know, the show is unlike other singing competition shows like American Idol. On that show, contestants come out before the judges and either advance or are sent home.

On The Voice, all the contestants have to do “blind auditions” where the judges can’t see who’s performing. If the judges like what they hear, they can turn around and compete to have that person join their team.
At the end of each season, there’s one winning contestant and one winning vocal coach.

Because of this unique format, there’s a lot of drama and intrigue inherent in each of these auditions.
The one we’re talking about today comes from the show’s 2018 season. The contestant in question is Chevel Shepherd, a teen girl who decided to sing a country song.

The song she chose is “If I Die Young” by The Band Perry, a huge country hit that came out in 2010. As the song begins, her voice is already assured and on point with just a hint of that country twang.
Before long, judge Blake Shelton is anxiously looking around to see who’s going to buzz in.

Without letting him get the jump on her, judge Kelly Clarkson hits her buzzer first!
Although Clarkson seems excited, Shelton is still waiting it out. After she sings through the second version of the chorus, Shelton finally gives in and hits his buzzer as well—and the crowd applauds.

Before long, even judge Jennifer Hudson hits her buzzer! After all that, Shepherd sings the last few emotional notes and takes a bow.
With that, the whole crowd gives her a huge round of applause.

When it’s all over, judge Adam Levine has his own commentary to add.
“It’s basically a four-chair turn,” he says… it’s just that he didn’t make up his mind in time and there was already enough competition.

With that, the judges start competing with one another—and Clarkson says she would love to Shepherd develop her confidence. For her part, Hudson just wants to see how Clarkson and Shelton are going to battle it out!
Before long, it’s time for Shelton to give his pitch.

All he has to say is hello, and Shepherd seems like she’s already melting with enthusiasm.
Above all, Shelton says he has all the experience that Shepherd needs to become a hit. And after that, Shepherd even says she shares the same birthday with Shelton… and all the other judges groan.

After all the back and forth, it’s finally time for her to choose. And incredibly, she decides to pick Clarkson!
Everybody in the audience is completely shocked—but Clarkson is thrilled.

Since the clip was put on YouTube, it has earned itself more than eight million views.
Above all, moments like this capture why The Voice remains so exciting to so many people.

Though Shepherd’s voice and talent are so incredible, there’s also the added excitement of the judges fighting over her—not to mention the twist at the end. Above all, it’s clear that Shepherd has a bright musical future ahead of her!
Congratulations to Chevel Shepherd on making such a big impression on the judges! Be sure to check out her full performance below:
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