Cheerleader gives amazing dance performance to steal the spotlight in the field
These girls know how to keep school spirit alive.
Kenny Fernandez

In any team sports game, the crowd always looks forward to cheering on the players.

And there’s also one more part of games that the crowd looks forward to, the halftime routine by the cheer dancers.

And the Rocklin High School Cheer team made sure that they perform their hearts out to make sure the crowd enjoys every minute of the game. Pretty cool, huh?

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In this halftime routine, half of the RHS Cheer team marches out into the football field in two lines. What was going to happen?

It took a few seconds before the music started. And when the first few notes played, the crowd cheered, ready to see and watch the team’s routine.

When they started their performance, they worked in sync with each other. Each cheer dancer moved smoothly with each other’s actions and steps.

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Each step they took was a true testament to their dedication to their craft and skills.

And it’s also a testament to their trust in their relationship and faith in each other.

What these cheer dancers do is not easy but it’s definitely easy to see how hard they want to do their best. It definitely took them a lot of time to practice being in sync like this.

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We especially enjoyed the part in their performance where they moved like dominos. Did you see it?

After their very fluid hand movements, when they joined together in one line, they squatted down one-by-one like one of the waves the crowd does during games.

And then they got up again, some on their knees and some on their feet, like another wave.

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From start to finish, they displayed so much energy, enthusiasm, and cheer, it’s hard not to be infected with it and cheer your hearts out the entire time.

It’s amazing how the cheer dance team and the entire school has given their all-out support for each other. In fact, the cheer dance team, representing the school student body, makes sure their team players always feel their love and support before each game. They always visit the players a few days before any game to cheer them on.

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And this act of taking the time to visit motivate the players, as evidenced by their great games, whether at home or at an away game.

And even viewers who are not associated with the high school, either as a student, staff, or parent, enjoy their performances, too. And they also had their own suggestions about the Rocklin High School Cheer team performance.

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“Kicks were amazing!” Ava Brockman reacted.

“This is amazing,” EMJ commented.

“They are great but deserve better music,” Amy Day suggested.

The great part about this cheer dance team though is that they also support other teams outside of their school’s sports teams.

They have used their performances and game exposure to raise money for different causes, like the commitment of St. Jude’s Medical Center to provide free pediatric medical care.

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“Come out to this week games and help us support a great cause. St. Jude’s will never turn down a child who is in need of medical attention, but needs our help to keep this a possibility,” Rocklin High School Cheer Dance team wrote on their Instagram page.

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Want to feel their enthusiasm and energy through their performance? Watch the video below.

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