One of the best things about the internet is that it can show us all kinds of culture and information that we wouldn’t find otherwise.
If we need to research something, all we need to do is get online and type in a question. Though that’s definitely helpful when it comes to questions we need answered, it’s also great when we’re just looking to explore and to find something to entertain us.

A lot of this happens on YouTube, when we’re trying to find new things to watch or new music to listen to.
And the video we’re talking about today is a great example of that.

The group in the video is Celtic Woman, an all-female Irish ensemble that performs traditional Irish and Celtic songs.
Although the group was originally formed to do just one show in Dublin, Ireland, they’ve proven popular and have done more and more shows over the years.

Though the line-up rotates and new musicians are brought in, the spirit of the music and of the performances remains the same throughout each new iteration. The video we’re talking about today is a filmed performance of “Amazing Grace,” the famous Christian hymn that goes all the way back to 1772.
Although the song isn’t their typical performance, the results are still incredible.

As the video begins, a bagpiper plays the familiar melody to the song.
A moment later, an entire row of bagpipers takes up the same melody to boost it even louder. After that, the vocalists in Celtic Woman take the stage in a line.

In the background, they’re supported by many other musicians as well—namely an entire group of violinists. From the very beginning, the singers’ voices are clear and shining, perfectly in tune.
After the first singer, some of the others join in for a more complex harmony.

In the beginning, the two of them sing the same melodic line—but a moment later, they diverge beautifully.
While the song isn’t what they would traditionally perform, the singers are sure to include traditional Celtic and Irish touches and flourishes in the melody in their interpretation.

Before long, there are four vocalists all singing a complex melody together and sounding incredible as they do it. After more verses, they gently come to a beautiful ending note as the bagpipers play them out.
The video was originally uploaded in November 2009, though since then it has amassed some 67 million views!

When it’s finally over, the audience gives the group a huge round of applause.
While the song is well-known all around the world, it’s not every day that it gets performed so beautifully and with a full Celtic orchestra behind it! Above all, this performance shows once again just how important it is to bring your own interpretation to music.

Even if everyone knows the song, the group brought it life once again with their soulful delivery and awesome instrumentation to support it. If you liked this clip, be sure to check out Celtic Woman’s other performances on YouTube as well!
Thanks to Celtic Woman on a beautifully moving performance of “Amazing Grace”! Be sure to watch the whole thing in the link below:
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