Believe it or not, many Hollywood stars have hidden imperfections. These flaws remind us that celebrities are human too. Discover more about famous figures’ physical quirks in this list, some of them are quite unique and surprising!
Megan Fox

Megan Fox has brachydactyly type-D, resulting in clubbed thumbs since birth.
Mark Wahlberg
Mark Wahlberg, known for baring his chest in movies, has a lesser-known physical anomaly: a third nipple.

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Mila Kunis
Mila Kunis was partially blind in one eye but underwent surgery to correct the condition, resulting in slightly different colored eyes.

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Stephen Colbert
Colbert’s right ear protrudes at an angle due to being deaf in that ear since childhood. This condition resulted from complications during surgery meant to repair a perforated eardrum.

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Jennifer Garner
Garner was born with brachymetatarsia, causing her pinky toe to overlap her other toes.

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Ashton Kutcher
Ashton Kutcher has openly shared that he was born with slightly webbed toes, joking, “When everything else is this good-looking, something has to give.”

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Carrie Underwood
Country star Carrie Underwood once had a third nipple, but she had it surgically removed.

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Denzel Washington
Denzel Washington has a crooked pinky finger on his right hand as a result of a childhood accident.

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Kate Bosworth
Bosworth was born with heterochromia, a condition that gives her different colored eyes. To conceal this, she often wears contacts in movies.

Matthew Perry
The late Matthew Perry was missing part of his middle finger, an injury he sustained as a child when a door was slammed on his hand.

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Lily Allen
Singer-songwriter Lily Allen was reportedly born with three nipples.

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Vince Vaughn
Vaughn lost the tip of his thumb in a car accident when he was a teenager. He humorously refers to the remaining part as a “penis with a fingernail.”

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Tilda Swinton
The actress was born with a third nipple.

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Gerard Butler
A childhood surgery left Butler with a mangled ear, which he has to glue back for roles when his head is shaved.

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Harry Styles
Pop singer Harry Styles revealed in an interview that he was born with four nipples, jokingly speculating, “I must have been a twin, but the other one went away and left its nipples behind.”

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Dan Aykroyd
Aykroyd was born with syndactylism, a condition that resulted in the fusion of several of his toes.

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Daryl Hannah
Hannah lost the tip of her finger in childhood and often wears a prosthetic in films.

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Drew Carey
The comedian was born with an extra toe, making it a total of 11.

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Patricia Heaton
Heaton lost her belly button following a tummy tuck procedure.

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Jerry Garcia
Garcia lost part of a finger in a childhood wood chopping accident.

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Sam Rockwell
Rockwell had his fingers crushed in a car accident, leading to their reconstruction, but they still appear slightly misshapen.

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Rahm Emanuel
The former White House Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor accidentally sliced off part of his finger on a meat slicer while working at Arby’s as a teen.

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Joanna Krupa
The model and reality television star has openly stated that she has a third nipple.

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Karolína Kurková
Kurková, a model, doesn’t have a belly button due to a surgery in infancy, but she often has it digitally added back in with Photoshop for pictures.

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