Our feline friends can easily make us smile from ear to ear with their crazy, goofy stunts.
It’s a good thing that people film their cats in some of the funniest situations and then share those videos with the world. Cats have many hidden talents and there are plenty of hilarious videos of these beloved furry friends online. Sometimes they react to music, sometimes they are afraid of cucumbers, and sometimes they’re just acting curious.

In this clip, there’s a little kitten jamming to the “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars.

Winnie the Kitten is the name of this adorable little creature, and she’s sure to make you laugh a lot with her comic dancing skills.
Winnie was one of six abandoned foster kittens at the Animal Welfare League of Arlington, and it’s a good thing that she wound up at a good home. Her new family supports her musical talent and we are more than happy to see Winnie grooving to “Uptown Funk.” The video was made in the living room and it’s clear this kitten is living the life. She is comfortable on the couch and enjoys the music. It doesn’t get much better than that—for humans or cats. After all, we all enjoy some relaxation and some funk.
Winnie is probably one of the fluffiest kittens out there.

Winnie’s fur looks very soft, velvety and shiny.
Most of us would probably wanna cuddle with him all afternoon. His dancing is very funny because his paws are big and have little thumbs, so when he throws them in the air it looks as if he feels the rhythm. The way Winnie follows the sound makes you reconsider animals’ dancing abilities and intelligence!
Winnie proves that cats are adorable once again and makes you want to welcome a kitten to your family right away. When the lyrics of the song start to play the lyrics “I’m too hot,” this kitten looks up to the ceiling as if he was proudly lifting his head. You get the feeling that he understands the lyrics! It’s priceless moment that is sure to have you laughing.
Images and videos of domestic cats are among the most viewed content on the web, and Winnie shows us wh.

From the very famous grumpy cat to the blind hiking cat, some of them have become true superstars that rule the internet.
With this video, Winnie is on his way to becoming a dancing cat celebrity because you can’t ignore him as he gets into the beat. This video will serve its purpose: it will bring you a lot of joy and make your day. We think that Bruno Mars would be very proud to see how diverse his audience actually is and that they all enjoy his music equally.
Since this video was posted, Winnie danced his way to almost seven million views.

Little Winnie and his cute choreography were published on YouTube in 2015.
Most of the comments are almost as funny as the video is, and you get the idea of how much everyone loves little Winnie. There is something special about cats that makes them irresistible and captures our hearts. We can only say that if you’re fortunate to have a cat or any kind of pet that loves you, take that love and give it back!
Check out this adorable video in the link below:
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