Following your dreams is one of the most rewarding ways to live your life. However, it also may be one of the scariest.
We get so worked up about what other people might think about us or worry that we may fail.
In reality, none of that matters.
The only thing that is actually holding you back is you and your disbelief. Imagine the world we’d be living in if everyone had the courage to follow their dreams.

It may be terrifying at first but the longer you do it, the more comfortable and fulfilled you will feel. And what’s great about following your dreams is that it’s never too late.
Whether you are in high school or a grandparent, you can use the time that you have in this life to follow your dreams.
You only have one life, right?
So you might as well use it.

One young singer is doing just that.
Noah Thompson is a contestant on American Idol. If you don’t know, it’s a show about aspiring singers getting a shot at creating a name for themselves in the music world.
Noah comes from a small town and humble beginnings.

However, his passion for singing has led him all the way to Hollywood where he is singing live on a stage and having it broadcast to the entire nation.
For one of his performances, Noah decided to sing a Carrie Underwood song. Carrie was a contestant on American Idol way back in season four.
She actually went on to win the show and is now one of the biggest names in pop country.
I’m sure you’ve heard of her.

When Carrie found out that Noah was going to sing one of her songs, it made her emotional.
She related with Noah.
She said that she knew what it was like to grow up in a small town.
She goes on to talk about how when you live in a small town, sometimes you don’t even know that you should dream that big, but you just know that you want to do something.
Carrie began to tear up as she recalled her time on the show and how it changed her entire life.

When it was Noah’s turn to sing Carrie’s song, he surely didn’t disappoint.
He’s from Kentucky.
And you can tell that when he sings. His country twang adds a really nice sound to his singing voice.

Right as he starts to sing, you can tell this performance is going to be a good one.
The crowd is in it from the very beginning and the girls in the front row can barely contain themselves as Noah walks out onto the front of the stage.
They reach up their arms to try and touch him while screaming at the top of their lungs.
He’s already a success.

Noah is a living example of what can happen if we dare to dream big and chase our dreams.

See his inspiring performance of Carrie’s song in the video below!
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