At the start of the 13th season of The Voice of Germany this year, thousands to millions of hopefuls tried their luck to enter the prestigious reality talent show.
However, as we always say, “Many were called but only a few were chosen.”
One of the lucky ones who managed to enter the competition is 18-year-old, Carlotta Bach.

A new singing protege?
Carlotta Bach is a soprano in their school’s orchestra. This young talented girl also serenades people at weddings and offers her talent by singing in churches.

Before she even auditioned for The Voice Germany, she had already been able to play a leading role in a professional musical.
When Carlotta first appeared on the prestigious stage of the world-famous reality talent search, she sang “Ave Maria” by Giulio Caccini.
Because of her immaculate performance, she got the four-piece buzzer. Her angelic voice even moved coach Shirin David to tears.

She chose to be on Team Giovanni.
In the battle rounds, she faced Desirey Sarpong Agyemang where she chose Katy Perry’s “Firework” as her piece. She won the battle and advanced to the next round.
In her most recent performance during the team fights, she picked “YouRaise Me Up” by the Celtic Women.
“You Raise Me Up” is a song that was first composed by the Norwegian-Irish duo Secret Garden, consisting of Rolf Løvland and Brendan Graham.

It was released in 2002 as part of Secret Garden’s album “Once in a Red Moon.” The song gained widespread popularity when it was performed by the Irish-Norwegian duo Secret Garden at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2004.
Later, it was popularized globally by various artists, including Josh Groban, who released a well-known version in 2003 on his album “Closer.”
She gave it her all by living up to both the demands of the song and the judges’ expectations.

She started the song belting the first few lines with her soprano voice. It’s so immaculate that it almost felt like she was singing inside a church.
Coach Giovanni was deeply moved by the performance. He was immediately blown away by Carlotta’s jaw-dropping performance.
Everyone else was quiet in their seats, anticipating what might come next from the young woman’s performance. It’s like she’s taking us to her magical world filled with beautiful music.

If her performance didn’t impress you then I don’t know what would.
Even the online viewers were amused.

One YouTube user wrote, “Carlotta sings and shines like an angel. Her voice is clear as a bell and pure. She conveys so much emotion with her touching voice that she will certainly put a smile on the faces of many viewers. Keep it up, Carlotta. Good luck on your future journey in life 🍀🍀. I don’t like the new rule.”
Another commented, “What a wonderful young woman: she just turned 18 and gives us such a wonderful gift. Thank you and congratulations Carlotta! :) Her voice is so clear and yet radiates colors happily – her voice and her face shine, and her heart shines and touches… With a performance like that, Carlotta, you win, no matter how far you get on “The Voice”. .. :)”

Unfortunately, Carlotta lost her hot seat against Simon Schmerbeck of Team Ronan and was eliminated from the competition.
Watch her performance in the video below.
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