There are some things in life that just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Even just remembering to smile as often as you can drastically improve your mood, and watching others smile can make you smile right back!
There’s something about being in the midst of other cheerful folks that’s contagious. If you’re in a room full of happiness and love, it’s almost impossible to be blue yourself.
Cape Harmony is Cape Cod’s premiere all-female a cappella group, and they’re pretty much guaranteed to make you smile. Their cheer is infectious, not to mention their lovely voices and impeccable music talent!

College-aged young women audition for the change to live in Hyannis, MA with 10 of their new best friends and sing for tourists for an entire summer. Only the cream of the crop gets accepted into the group.
The group takes a week or two at the very beginning of the summer to learn a huge repertoire of arrangements to perform all along the coast. That means hours of rehearsals every day and plenty of memorization time on their own.

But all of the hard work is so worth it! The video below is proof.
The talented young women in this group arrange these songs themselves and often use their musical prowess to mash up two entirely different songs. This one is a mashup of “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” by Whitney Houston and “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” by Cyndi Lauper.

Watching these girls have a blast is worth every penny of the cost of entry. Their voices are like that of angels and they blend so wonderfully together.
They don’t need any microphones to project their powerful voices and fill a large church with gorgeous sound.
It’s hard to decide what is more lovely about this performance… the clear camaraderie and friendship between these girls and how much fun they’re having making music together, or the music itself. What do you think?
You have to make sure that you make it to the end of the video because you get to see just how much the audience is enjoying themselves when the group makes their way down the aisle to grab a lucky few to join in the dance.

Do you think you would enjoy going to a performance like this? It’s such a wholesome family activity that everyone can enjoy.

I don’t know the last time I heard so many beautiful voices all at once. These young ladies work so hard to put on a great show and hone their skills as a group. What a great thing to witness! Also, this is one heck of a summer job! The memories of this one summer will last a lifetime.
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