With over 8 million views, it’s pretty clear that an epic prank 2 brothers played on their sister after her dental surgery is certifiably hilarious.
Do you remember the scene in the first episode of The Walking Dead when Rick wakes up in the hospital only to find that the zombie apocalypse has already taken over the world? Well, that’s what Millicent though had happened while the medication was still clouding her brain after having her wisdom teeth out.
The video begins with her getting out of the car and getting ready to enter the dentist’s office and then sitting in the chair before they put her under.

But when she wakes up, she’s pretty out of it. That’s when you just can’t trust your bothers (at least not if you’re Millicent).
As she mumbles and slurs upon waking, her sinister siblings decide it would be a great time to play a prank on her. And it’s actually pretty elaborate.
Cut to a scene of Millicent and her brother driving home while listening to the radio – suddenly the emergency broadcast signal comes on. She’s startled, to say the least.
In a recording made by the pranksters, she hears an announcement that the CDC has issued a viral outbreak warning and symptoms include “high fever, nausea, death, and even cannibalism!”

Her mouth still filled with gauze, she’s pretty loopy. Yet, she’s got a pretty logical response – let’s get out of here! She doesn’t see the point in going home first.
Even Millicent’s mother is in on the prank and she summons her children back to the house for supplies.
When she’s left alone for a moment, the whole “cannibals” thing finally sinks in as she ponders what the heck is going on. Zombies, perhaps?

On the phone with her other brother, she gets filled in on all the “breaking news” as brother #1 loads the trunk with makeshift weapons from the garden shed. Millicent wants to know where the guns are – what good is a garden hoe?!
Her brother can barely keep it together, but that’s partly because he knows Millicent can’t really see him laughing.
By now, brother #1 has given Millicent the least effective of weapons and gone all-in on the prank by loading the family cat into the car (who looks displeased to say the very least).

The problem is there’s a family dog as well, but her brother informs her they can only take one pet.
Millicent is clearly Team Cat.

As poor Millicent holds the cat her brother now tells her that they’re headed for Mexico and asks her how much Spanish she remembers from high school.
“I can say pants,” she slurs in a panic.
Well, that’s good, they’re going to need pants.
Now things are getting ridiculous – the next life-or-death question? Which cake should they bring – chocolate or funfetti? Millicent answers the question before he even finishes it. She’s clearly good in an emergency!

But at this point, she’s wondering why she’s being asked to make all the important decisions.
After driving around for a few minutes while Millicent wrangles the cat, her brothers finally tell her the truth.

But how will she react?
Be sure to scroll down to see the hilarious video and find out if the family is going to survive on chocolate or funfetti cake during the zombie apocalypse.
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