When someone goes out of their way and their comfort zone to do something special for you, that’s when you know that they truly do care very deeply.
Sure, when someone uses their natural abilities and strengths to prove their love, that’s also very touching. If an artist paints you a picture, you’re going to cherish that painting forever. If a musician writes you a song, that song will always have a place in your heart. But, if someone who doesn’t dance goes out of their way to learn a whole dance in secret all for you, that will hit a whole different emotional chord.
Brittany Lucas thought that all she was doing for the day was giving an interview. But as soon as the questions started, something very strange happened.
A woman ran into the shot, giving Brittany quite the fright. You never know what kinds of folks are out there, so to see this very strange behavior was a little offputting.

Soon enough, though, it became very clear that this was all part of a big flash mob surprise!
She still had no idea that it was for her, though.

As Brittany watches on with pure childlike wonder, she and her “interviewer” chat it up, she simply can’t get over the fact that the crazy lady who gave her a scare is the leader of this growing flash mob.

The cool part about this flash mob is that it involves all kinds of different folks. They keep hopping into the choreographed dance as if they really did just come off the street. Older folks, preteens, folks who have probably never taken a dance lesson in their life and folks that have dedicated their lives to the art of dance are all a part of it.
When the mob splits into two, Brittany can’t believe who comes walking towards her all dressed up in a tux.

It’s her boyfriend, Justin! You can tell that he is so nervous to be doing this, but also so excited.
As he joins the flashmob, it’s clear that he falls into the category that’s never really taken a dance class in his life. But that’s what makes this so special! He clearly went through so much trouble to put all of this together and keep it all a secret from the love of his life.
You can also tell that these two are meant to be together, as they both keep noting how they’re gonna “pee my pants” or that they’re short of breath with excitement or nerves. The amount of adrenaline between them at this moment is through the roof!

What do you think of this video? Do you find it endearing, or do you think he should have played more to his natural strengths?

One YouTube commenter thought that it was super sweet, saying that,
“This was so amazing and beautiful, you two are beautiful. God’s peace.”
If more people loved each other unconditionally like this, the world would be a better place, don’t you think?
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