Groom gets emotional hearing bride’s song as she walks to the altar
Wow, she has such a gorgeous voice.
Jenny Brown

There are certain songs that never lose their luster.

Elvis Presley’s timeless classic “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” released in 1961, continues to echo through the ages as one of the most romantic songs ever.

Its charm has captivated over a hundred artists, including legends like Bob Dylan and Neil Diamond, each adding their unique touch to this beloved melody.

Pixabay - Firmbee
Pixabay - Firmbee

Among these renditions, one stands out for its sheer emotional depth.

Allison Dyer Thurman’s cover, performed in a moment of pure love as she walked down the aisle towards her future husband.

This performance added a personal and heartfelt touch to an already iconic song.

YouTube - Taron Stone
YouTube - Taron Stone

A song with a history.

Interestingly, “Can’t Help Falling in Love” was initially intended for a female voice for Elvis’s movie “Blue Hawaii.”

Despite skepticism from Elvis’s team, who saw it as just another movie track, Elvis poured his soul into the song.

YouTube - Elvis Presley
YouTube - Elvis Presley

His dedication turned it into a hit, far beyond their expectations.

Ernst Jorgensen, who witnessed the song’s recording, reminisced,

“The ambition and concentration he put into a marathon twenty-nine takes of ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ on the final day suggested how seriously he took the beautiful, intimate ballad. When he finished, he seemed already aware that he’d created a classic.”

Pixabay - chienba
Pixabay - chienba

It was the perfect song choice.

For Allison Dyer Thurman, singing was a beautiful way to express her deep love for her high school sweetheart, Jason Thurman Jr., on their wedding day in Kentucky.

She chose to serenade him as she walked down the aisle, creating a truly unforgettable moment.

YouTube - Taron Stone
YouTube - Taron Stone

Allison told Yahoo! Lifestyle:

“I just kind of thought, maybe it would be different to sing at my wedding because there are not a lot of people that do that.”

While the entire thing was a surprise to the groom, she did give a teeny hint beforehand.

“I told him that if he didn’t cry, I was going to turn around and do it all over again.”

YouTube - Taron Stone
YouTube - Taron Stone

Turns out, it worked like a charm.

The impact of her singing was profound.

Jason was visibly moved, overwhelmed with emotion (and we don’t blame him).

He shared with Yahoo!:

“I saw the mic in her hand, and she was singing, and at that moment, the floodgates opened up.”

It wasn’t just Jason; the entire wedding party and guests were touched, many shedding tears at the beautiful scene.

YouTube - Taron Stone
YouTube - Taron Stone

As Allison reached Jason, with her father by her side, she didn’t stop singing.

The love in her eyes, the tenderness in her voice as she sang directly to Jason, was a sight to behold.

Jason, no longer able to hold back his tears, showed their deep and genuine love.

YouTube - Taron Stone
YouTube - Taron Stone

Their choice of “Can’t Help Falling in Love” was more than fitting.

Allison admits, “I didn’t want a relationship [when we met], but I knew God was telling me he was the one, so I took a leap of faith.”

This leap led her to a love filled with safety, happiness, and a beautiful journey ahead.

Watch the video below to see Allison serenade Jason on their wedding day!

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