Elvis Presley’s classic song “Can’t Help Falling in Love” was released in 1961 and almost 60 years later it is still known as one of the greatest love songs of all time. This song has been covered by over one hundred different artists throughout the years including Bob Dylan, Barry Manilow, Twenty-One Pilots, Neil Diamond, and Ingrid Michaelson.

One tear jerking cover of the song was done by Allison Dyer Thurman, who sang the beautiful love song as she walked down the aisle to her future husband.

It is interesting to note that “Can’t Help Falling in Love” was originally written for a woman to perform but was given to Elvis to perform for his movie Blue Hawaii. Everyone around Elvis did not believe in the song as much as Elvis did. At the time many in his team believed the song would just be an easy song for the movie, but not a hit.

Ernst Jorgensen was present during the recording of the song and stated, “The ambition and concentration he put into a marathon twenty-nine takes of ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ on the final day suggested how seriously he took the beautiful, intimate ballad. When he finished, he seemed already aware that he’d created a classic.”

Allison Dyer Thurman was marring her high school sweetheart, Jason Thurman Jr., in Kentucky and she knew that she wanted to create a memorable moment to display the love she had for her significant other. The best way she knows how to display her love is through singing. So, she decided to sing her husband as she walked down the aisle.

“I knew that singing down the aisle would be something different I could incorporate in my wedding that most people would like. But the main reason I did it is because I wanted to show everyone (especially my husband) how much love I truly have for him, even though nothing could ever fully tell that,” Allison explained.

Allison definitely surprised her groom. When Jason realized it was his bride singing to him he doubled over in tears. Jason told Yahoo,
“I saw the mic in her hand, and she was singing, and at that moment, the floodgates opened up.”

It is remarkable that once Jason starts to openly cry that Allison did not crying herself. She stayed entirely composed as she sang the gorgeous love song while walking towards her future. Jason was not the only one to start to cry, most of the wedding party and guests in the audience were crying as well.
The love between Allison and Jason was palpable in that room for everyone to feel and see.

Allison reached Jason with her father on her arm, but the song was not over. She continued to stand right in front of Jason and sing the rest of the song. Watching Allison stare into Jason’s eyes as she finishes singing is so touching. Jason might not be doubled over in tears anymore, but he cannot stop but looking down time to time in tears.
Allison and Jason’s love is pure, deep, and beautiful.

“Can’t Help Falling in Love” was the perfect song for Allison to sing to Jason. That is because when they first met she was coming out of another relationship and was not looking for a new relationship. Yet, she could not help but fall in love with Jason.
“I didn’t want a relationship [when we met], but I knew God was telling me he was the one, so I took a leap of faith,” Allison admits.

Thankfully she took that leap and found love, safety, and happiness with Jason. Watch her beautiful walk down the aisle right below.
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