Wedding receptions are all about having fun and grabbing the chance to socialize with families, relatives, and friends of both wedding parties. It is a joyful sight to witness everyone sharing their smiles and happiness for the couple’s new chapter of their lives, being husband and wife.

In most weddings, we see couples perform for their guests, and the wedding dance has become the tradition.
A wedding dance makes the guests in the after-party alive and entertained, and this is why it should never be missed in any wedding. But, depending on the couple’s talents, they can choose to do other presentations to entertain their guests and make the occasion more memorable.
One couple decided to present an Irish dance to their guests.

The show’s just getting started.
Two girls in black came to the dance floor to set everybody’s mood for some dancing.
Guests now have their eyes focused on the dancing girls who are doing their complicated dance steps to contemporary music, “Shut Up and Dance.” The music is by Walk the Moon, an American pop-rock band. They released this lead single in September 2014 and became a big hit which peaked on the Billboard Hot 100, reaching the fourth spot.

Two more girls joined and danced in sync with the first duo.

Now it’s getting more exciting as their dance steps get more complicated. With ten girls on the dance floor, a more awesome sound is heard as they dance to the beat of the music. Their shoes are tapping the floor in unison, making the presentation so delightful to watch.

Soon after, the bride came in barefoot along with a little girl who danced with her. She didn’t change her clothes but went on to dance with the group of girls in her long gown.
It’s pretty tough! To prevent slipping while doing the Irish stepdance, she has to avoid stepping on the train of her wedding gown.

No worries! The bride is a pro at Irish dancing, even in a long dress.
The Irish stepdance is characterized by keeping the upper body stiff while the feet are doing precise and fast movements. There’s undeniably extensive footwork involved when doing this kind of dance.
But, Gretchen’s Irish wedding dance was perfect with the dance team from Hooley School of Irish Dance.

Of course, the girls energetically gave their best performance to their teacher, Gretchen.
What a pleasure it is to be dancing with their teacher on her big day.
Seeing how the girls gave an enchanting performance on the dance floor, the certified Irish dance teacher couldn’t be any happier.
Precise footwork and lots of hard work and preparation are necessary to have a successful Irish dance.
The wedding guests couldn’t help but be amazed while watching the girls with their teacher, and they gave a joyful cheer.

Gretchen grabbed her husband, who gladly joined her on the stage.
They ended the lively performance with a romantic move and gentle kiss, which made the wedding-goers hail a louder cheer.
Watch the full performance of Gretchen’s Irish wedding dance in this video, and be impressed by the incredible and intense footwork.
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