Brian King Joseph, a recent contestant on America’s Got Talent, is nicknamed ‘The King of Violin’ for his incredible musical skills.

Brian puts a modern twist on his violin pieces—and even though he suffers from a painful nerve condition, he hasn’t let that keep him down.
Although Brian’s passion is music, his condition makes playing the instrument excruciatingly painful. “The entire part of dealing with my neuropathy is mental,” he explained. “A lot of mind over pain, a lot of mind over matter.”

“I definitely have to pull myself up from seriously hard days when it comes to pushing my body through.”
“But for me, I believe very much in just pushing through it. I think that’s one of the only ways to move on with life with the disease that I have.”
And move on, Brian has done— mainly by slamming his way through the AGT competition, one astonishing performance at a time.

For his AGT audition, Brian chose to perform “Lean On” by DJ Snakes and Major Lazer.
“It’s such an honor to be here,’ he told the judges. “I dreamt of being on this stage ever since I was a kid.” From there, he went on to explain his struggle with neuropathy:
“Three years ago, I was diagnosed with a serious nerve disease that takes away the feeling from my hands and my feet, and eventually will spread throughout my body.”

In light of his circumstances, the violinist was even more excited to finally live out his dreams. Swaying to the music and playing for the crowd, the judges were immediately impressed by Brian’s skill.
In fact, Simon even told him: “Look, I think you’ve got a real shot here. I think this show— I hope— will change your life. You deserve it.”
Brian progressed through the competition, wowing fans and judges with his fresh renditions of modern hits, including Coldplay’s “Something Just Like This” and “Centuries” by Fall Out Boy.
“I know that you’re in so much pain, but you’re so happy and you’re fighting through— and I love a fighter, and I love you. You’re a great performer,” Mel B. told him.
“You can see the passion and ecstasy of just being able to do what you do in your face,” Howey added.

When Brian took the stage for the semi-finals, he once again wowed the audience with his twist on a popular, hip-hop classic.
In an interview, he discussed his song choice, saying:
“Well, ever since I started doing this on YouTube and releasing videos, hip-hop has always been one of my favorite things to do, and people always really love when you take a classical instrument and you make it hip-hop.”

Dressed in an angelic white outfit, Brian performs while elevated on a literal pedestal.
I don’t want to spoil too much— but we’ll just the dazzling rendition has been viewed thousands of times since being uploaded to YouTube.

People love the way Brian incorporates modern and traditional sounds— not to mention the energy he has on stage:
“I think this is his best performance yet!!”
“Love his smile, he’s so entertaining”
“One of my favorite performances in the history of this show. This was beautiful. “
Watch Brian’s incredible performance below!
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