As the famous philosopher said, “Boogie-woogie is a lifestyle, not a choice”.
What philosopher, you ask? Next question, please.

Regardless of your philosophical leanings towards Boogie-Woogie, we can all appreciate one hilarious man and his videos.
Brendan Kavanagh is a professional piano player and teacher that has gained some serious fame online.
Brendan Kavanagh, also known as “Dr K”, is a contemporary British pianist and piano teacher of Irish descent. He specializes in playing and promoting the boogie-woogie genre, almost exclusively improvised, often combined with classical, jazz, blues, rock & roll, and traditional Irish music themes. – Wikipedia

He has made quite the name for himself by playing incredible piano solos and pieces in the most random places!
One of his favorite things to do is play at malls.
When Dr. K starts playing, a crowd usually follows.
He is a masterful musician and his fun style and musical genre lend themselves to a great show to watch.
He is usually undercover and likes to mess with people a bit, too!
A great example of his cheeky side comes out in this video.

Walking up to a woman sitting at a piano, he asks her if she plays.
After a few questions, he learns that she doesn’t really know how but understands what Boogie-Woogie is.
For Dr. K, that’s all he needed!
He pretends to be a “new player” and tells her he knows the “C-Scale”, the most basic one.

While he explains, he taps on the keys, doing his best to make it seem like he isn’t the professional that he actually is.
He asks the girl to place her hands on two of the keys and play a fifth, playing the 1 and 5 of the chord.
It’s super easy to do and she does it without a problem.
As she pops back and forth, Dr. K starts to play.

You can tell she is a bit shocked when he shows that he can actually play!
She plays the bass notes and Dr. K starts playing some riffs and having fun with it.
He has barely even gotten started.
The woman gets comfortable and he starts to really show off.

Fingers flying, he goes absolutely wild on the keys, sounding like something you would hear in a Boogie-woogie club!
The “chop”, as he calls it, from the girl drives the song forward as he plays all the high notes in a flurry.
Sure enough, people start filming soon.

When you see something amazing, you just want to video it!
You can see people starting to notice the duo playing.
One guy decides to pull out his phone and film the whole thing!
He starts at a good part, too, right where Dr. K really goes off on it!
As they near the end, they count down and finish together.

Dr. K counts them down with and they finish out their duet together!
Rebecca from San Francisco probably got a lot more than she bargained for when she sat down on the keys that day!
Check out their incredible Boogie Woogie in the video below!
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