Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” is a beautiful song known around the world. Yet, it’s not every day you hear a child sing it.
When you think of cover songs and fan-renditions of popular music, many people think about singers in their mid-20s or 30s. But the Viscount Academy of Music was proud to witness a gorgeous rendition of “Hallelujah” by a 9-year-old boy.

The young performer, DJ Declan, was a singing and songwriting student at the Viscounte Academy of Music. The video jumps right in as we see a stage with a man playing at the piano, while all eyes are on DJ.
From the first moments of his song, DJ is winning fans and warming hearts.
Just look at DJ’s confidence as he jumps right into Leonard Cohen’s classic lyrics. Every word is sung clearly and with the vigor you’d expect from a music star to be.

Notice how attentive everyone is to young DJ. Even as the cameraman swivels the camera around to check out the enraptured audiences, it’s quick to zoom right in on the star of the show.
DJ never loses focus, even as stagehands come on stage to…
But what must have inspired everyone at the performance was how focused and captivating DJ remained. Even as a stage hand shows up to install a mic so everyone can hear the piano notes play, DJ just keeps on singing.

And it’s a wonder too, because this young boy has worked hard for this impressive performance. All eyes are watching as the stage lights shine down on this soloist as he makes it to the moving chorus of the piece.

The song continues and builds to a breathtaking conclusion.
As the pianist and singer work together towards the song’s conclusion, you can feel the energy in the crowd. Backstage and in front of stage, viewers are getting ready for what has to be an incredible closer.

DJ doesn’t disappoint, as he belts out the last lyrics of “Hallelujah”. He then takes a moment to bask in the wild cheers from the crowd before humbly exiting stage right. Truly a superstar moment.

And if you think everyone attending was impressed, check out the responses
The video has earned hundreds of likes and over 25,000 views to date, which is truly impressive for a young singer on YouTube. And you can see the fanfare this boy has earned when you read some of the comments. Including Heather W. who wrote:
“This is just beautiful! Gave me goosebumps”

Many commenters are even predicting a bright career in music for young DJ. As Jared F wrote in the comments:
“Kid has some raw talent. A few more years of honing his skill and he will be be so much more refined. Nice job little buddy!”

Whether you were there live or seeing it now on this site, it’s clear that DJ is on his way to a bright future in music.
You can check out the performance by clicking the video below!
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