Though it goes without saying, there are so many talented singers and musicians all around the world.
For some of us, playing music or listening to music is just a hobby that we indulge in from time to time. For others, it becomes a passion that can consume our entire life!

Still, the interesting part of trying to perfect our musical skills is that sometimes the effort we put in over time doesn’t correlate with how good we are. In other words, sometimes we come across people that are so young and so incredibly skilled already.
And the video we’re talking about today is one of those examples.

Though they may not be household names, at least some people in America have likely heard of Jeffrey Li and Celine Tam.
For those who haven’t, Li and Tam are a singing duo who you may have seen on certain talent shows.

Li is from Canada and Tam is from Hong Kong, and the duo have performed on America’s Got Talent in the past (as well as other programs). Still, before all that, they appeared in another performance in China that has since been loaded online.
From the very beginning, these two have shown some truly incredible singing abilities!

The song they chose to sing was Josh Groban’s “You Raise Me Up,” a ballad that has come to be known as a modern classic.
As the clip begins, the music swells and the camera cuts to Li and Tam on stage. It’s Li’s turn to sing first, and he starts things off in a voice that’s barely above a whisper.

Although he’s only 10-years-old in the video, it’s clear from the outset that his voice is supremely confident and self-assured. A moment later, the camera cuts to the audience members, many of whom have their jaws on the floor!
Still, Tam has yet to sing her part.

After Li’s verse is over, Tam’s voice picks up right where he left off—and her voice soars incredibly as well.
Although the beginning was incredible, by the time they hit the chorus the crowd can barely believe what they’re hearing.

Although Groban’s version of the song is incredible and moving all on its own, Li and Tam honestly give him a serious run for his money. If someone said that they preferred the duet over the original, we wouldn’t be surprised!
Since the clip was loaded online, it has been viewed more than 28 million times—and it’s pretty easy to see why!

Just when everyone thinks they’ve seen it all, Li and Tam finally hit a few notes together in perfect harmony.
Although their voices are amazing on their own, hearing them together is something completely different. After that, they sing a few final runs and then come to a gentle and moving finale.

When it’s all over, the crowd gives them a huge round of applause. Since this performance and their many others, Li and Tam have become something of a singing phenomenon… and we’re sure to only see more of them in the future.
Congratulations to Jeffrey Li and Celine Tam on their amazing performance! Be sure to check out the whole thing in the link below:
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