Boogie-woogie is one of the hardest styles of piano.
These two brilliant musicians recreate a famous boogie-woogie piano duo from the 1930s and 1940s in this amazing performance that took place in 1988. From the costumes to double pianos and incredible music, these guys really went all out.
How could you not love this!?

In this video, Jools Holland and Doctor John do a duet as the “Boogie Woogie Twins” on an edition of Night Music from 1988.
The dynamic duo got the idea from Pete Johnson and Albert Ammons, who would dress in identical clothing and play boogie-woogie duets in the ’30s and ’40s.

Night Music was an American TV show that aired from 1988 to 1990 and featured talented artists on all their episodes.
This video is from addition #104 when Jools Holland and Doctor John did the epic performance.

After they’re introduced, Holland and Doctor John make their way to the pianos’ and proceed to bring down the house.

Right from the get-go, the duo starts playing complex rhythms and captivating melodies, all while maintaining an insanely fast pace.
If you’re not familiar with boogie-woogie, be prepared to be blown away.

Boogie-woogie was created in the 1870s but was popularized in the 1920s.
The style involves rapidly playing upbeat and energetic music, especially piano.
One piano is good, but two pianos is great! Especially when these two are playing them.

When they both go full throttle, there’s really no stopping these two and the magic they create on the ivory.
This is truly boogie-woogie at its best, and they’re only halfway through.

Both Doctor John and Jools Holland both have an illustrious music career, with hits like “Such a Night” by Doctor John and “Pulling Mussels from the Shell” by Holland.
It just gets better and better as the show goes on—these guys are seriously smoking hot on their instruments!

Toward the end of the performance, the duo goes max-speed and shows us why they’re some of the greatest to ever do it.
The sounds they produce are out of this world, and they use all of the piano keys in a wonderful display of musical talent.

As they get to the end of their performance, it’s like something takes over them and they begin going off on their instruments.
For the last part of the show, Doctor John and Holland go out with a bang and a flurry of electric music.

It’s no surprise that the grand finale is mind-blowing, both these musicians are known for their impressive live performances.
The crowd goes crazy when they finish, which is expected after seeing skills like that.

People on the internet couldn’t get enough of Doctor John and Holland dressed as the “Boogie Woogie Twins,” even 32 years after their performance it still went viral.
Jools Holland and Doctor John playing boogie-woogie on the Night Show has been viewed over 1.8 million times, with 14,000 that also liked it. On top of the views and likes, hundreds of people also left comments for the phenomenal duo praising their role as the “Boogie Woogie Twins.”

These two are in a league of their own when it comes to piano duets, especially when they dress like twins.
Unfortunately, Doctor John passed away in June of 2019 but his music lives on forever through videos like this one.

To see Doctor John and Jools Holland rock this performance on the Night Show, just watch the video below!
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