Dance is such a central element for cultures around the world. It gives us an opportunity to be together, express ourselves, and have a blast! Dancing alone is one thing (it can be fun!), but dancing with a group of people is always an adventure. Just think of all the weddings you have been to – we never get tired of the Cupid Shuffle!

Group dancing provides a chance for everyone to be included and make memories.

There are certain traditions that we all love to keep. Whether it’s a certain meal around the holidays we look forward to or an event that we throw every year, tradition holds communities together. What kind of traditions are there with dancing?
Rock that Swing has a tradition that has been happening for a while now.

Rock that Swing is a festival that showcases the wonderful dance form of Swing! Every year, people from around the world get together to dance, compete, and have fun with people who all enjoy a particular dance style. At the end of the festival, however, everyone in attendance all gets together to perform one MEGA dance.
Dancing to the “Killer Boogie”, everyone gets on the floor to end the event in style.

Written by Jan Rietman, the song is upbeat and boisterous – perfect to close out a successful event. With what must be over 100 people on the dance floor, the record plays, the piano starts, and people start to dance.
Starting with clapping, the entire group gets in sync.

For a group this large, everyone being on the same beat is important! Have you ever turned the wrong way during the electric slide and felt absolutely miserable? Imagine that but at a professional dance event! Nobody wants to mess this one up.
Launching into their steps, the shimmy around the floor.

With quick steps and fast feet, the jolly crew leaps around in their spot with the agility of an athlete. They almost look like they are “running ladders” like football players do to warm up! They even hit an old version of the running man and do it in place.
It is a fast and loose dance that is meant to be more fun than formal.

Dancin around, people strike poses, get goofy, and just have fun dancing. they shale, get low, and twist in every conceivable direction. One of the coolest parts is near the end when they get realllll slowww (at least as far as swing dance is concerned) and then jump back into full speed foot action!
Seeing them dance reminds us that even professionals know that value of it.

When something becomes work, it can easily lose its appeal to us. For many, they start doing what they love, only to feel imprisoned by it! These dancers are obviously having fun and not competing.

Sometimes it’s not the competition that matters as much as the joy the whole endeavor brings.

Watch below for their entertaining and energetic dance below!
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