Head out for a night on the town and you never know when some talented guy (or two) comes along and decides to entertain the local folk. What else goes really well with a night out than fun, lively music?
Jörg Hegemann is a German Jazz pianist who was at Sonja’s in Bonn, Germany. He doesn’t mind sitting and playing for everyone inside for a bit of nightly fun. Stefan Ulbricht is a much younger pianist who just happened to walk that night as well.

Guess what happened next.
These two must have had a small chat over a drink because the moment they both sat down to play, it was a flurry of notes. It’s a wonder that piano didn’t catch fire. These two displayed so much talent it makes you want to head on down to Bonn yourself.

The boogie woogie strain caught on and everyone in the bar was instantly infected. Who knew it was possible for a man’s fingers to move so quickly? Now playing the piano in itself is already a struggle for many. So to witness two men play together with such blinding speed is a treat.

Jörg Hegemann was born in 1966.
He’s been at it for decades, touring all over Russia, Europe, and the USA. The man is a legend in his own right. He embodies the boogie woogie lifestyle. Loose, fun, relaxed. And he’s a master.

Stefan Ulbricht was born in February of 1982.
He’s one of the younger musicians bringing boogie woogie back to people’s attention. Some argue the genre never really went away but hey, these guys certainly help. Stefan has many awards and you can see why. He’s no slouch playing with Jörg!

The room was full. Must be a really awesome spot. The question is how can anyone dance around and stomp to the melody these two are playing? This is something born of African American communities in the 19th century. It’s uptempo, energetic, and downright fun to listen to. There’s no right or wrong with boogie woogie so long as you enjoy it.

Check out the keys on that piano!
We’re talking four hands hitting those keys with snappy precision. Those bewildered faces watching Stefan and Jörg are a common sight. An elderly man even walks in to view, recording the head bopping moment on his phone.

Then the two maestros take it up a notch by crossing their arms one over and under the other without breaking stride, keeping the music going drawing stunned reactions and applause from their audience.

Stefan stands and switches to the other side.
There’s no stopping the music! It’s a lot of improvisation now. They take turns playing a few choice keys while one kept the bass line going. That foot tapping, smile inducing effect of boogie woogie in full effect now.

Jörg and Stefan are unbelievably gifted pianists and to play together without once making a mistake is no walk in the park. But to them, it seemed that way. From start to finish, a high five and a hug.

Two pairs of hands make for a masterpiece, see these two play in the video below!
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