What’s your favorite use of the internet?
For some people, using the internet is mostly just a part of doing business and keeping up with the day-to-day.

Maybe others use it to read the news or to stay in contact with far-flung family members across the country or the world. In any case, it remains a vibrant place where people can share important things with one another—even if they’re not in remotely the same place.
And nowhere is this more readily apparent than on YouTube.

While YouTube started off as a small outlet just for home videos and movies, it has since expanded as a worldwide force.
Many of the people who started on the platform are now huge international stars that have partnerships with the company to monetize their content! Beyond that, others have gone on to other projects, such as major music and movie careers.

Regardless, one special thing about the site is that it lets people from all over the world enjoy one another’s unique cultures. While it remains a place to discover new talent, the best kinds of talent are the ones we might not be expecting,
And that’s definitely the case with the video we’re talking about today.

The clip in question was originally put online in October 2017.
It was uploaded by Svetlana Tulasi. Although Tulasi isn’t a household name in America, she’s a well-known Indian classical dancer of half-Indian and half-Russian heritage.

As the clip begins, Tulasi stands in the middle of a group of seven dancers. The hit song “Despacito” starts playing in the background as everyone strikes their poses. A moment later, all of them are doing their own unique choreography.
In the background, the music has added in some traditional Indian rhythmic chanting as well.

As the clip continues, all of the dancers pair up!
Before long, they’re doing plenty of arm flourishes and spinning circles around one another. In the middle of the video, the chanting reaches a fever pitch as all the dancers hit a pose.

Towards the end, all the dancers pick up pieces of fabric and dance with it as well. After a few more moments, the dancers all come together to strike one more pose before the song ends.
Needless to say, this is one of the more unique interpretations of this song anyone is bound to find online!

Since it was uploaded, the clip has earned itself more than a million views—and for good reason!
Although the choreography isn’t the same as what we’re used to in America, these types of dance moves go back many thousands of years! What’s so impressive about this performance and others like it is how this art form is still so relevant, even today.

Although all their showmanship is impressive all on its own, the way the group used chanting and traditional movements to bring the song to life is the cherry on top of it all. If you liked this clip, be sure to check out Tulasi’s channel for other videos!
Special thanks to Svetlana Tulasi and the other dancers for putting together this unique performance! Be sure to watch the whole thing in the link below:
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