If you needed a boost to your mood this week, we’ve got you covered. What could lighten the mood more than a Zumba group dancing to the Bee Gees in Rome, Italy? That’s right – nothing.
The Young Hearts Rome group is a Zumba group that has gone viral for performing line dances to famous songs!
If that wasn’t enough, they go out to different locations in the city to keep things fresh! Watching them dance is so smooth and relaxing, it’s no wonder they blew up online. Here, let’s check them out:
The video opens with the lead dancer walking back after starting the camera.
If you needed any proof as to whether jean shorts were back in, here you go! As the man backs up, the whole group starts swaying to the music to get in the dancing mood. It’s Night Fever by the Bee Gees so it doesn’t take much!
When the vocals come in, the group starts their routine!
Spinning, shaking and showing off their slick moves, the group is getting down and groovy with it! There has clearly been a lot of rehearsals because this group is in sync and on the move.
For people who aren’t professional dancers, learning a routine like this takes a lot of time!
These guys deserve all the credit for finding a way to stay in shape AND have fun at the same time!
As the music continues, you can see the smiles on all their faces break out and take over.
If you want a serious laugh, check out the lady in the far back (to the right) who is REALLY struggling to remember the moves!
It’s the Bee Gees too, so you can’t help but find yourself bobbing your head to the music.
Funny enough, this song from the duo is considered by some to be at the forefront of disco! UDiscover Music even calls it the “birth” of disco!
With the release of their soundtrack for ‘Saturday Night Fever’, in 1977, Bee Gees were at the birth of disco, pointing the way for others to follow.
There is something to be said about dancing to songs like this. It’s nearly impossible to NOT bob your head as you listen. Even writing this as I listen (for the third time) and I am STILL sitting here, bouncing back and forth to that infectious beat.
As the group hits the last few moves, the song comes to a close.
With their workout finished for the day, this group should be satisfied with their performance! Currently, the video has over 3 million views – their work has definitely paid off! It’s not every day that your workout routine is able to reach millions of people across the world.
If you want to see their weekly videos, check out their YouTube channel!
While that one video may have been a viral hit, they have dozens of others.
We think they are great for anyone looking to add a little joy to their day!
Get ready to smile watching them rock out their moves in the video below!
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