Bonnie Tyler’s 1983 hit “Total Eclipse of the Heart” already has an epic music video to go with it. But back in 2013, college students Jake Triplett and Anderson Gilberto gave us a whole new way to enjoy the song.
There have been enough spoofs of the classic at this point to draw the attention of anyone who hears the opening line “Turn around…” – not to mention it’s one of the greatest, cheesiest 80s songs in and of itself.

But when Triplett and Gilberto walk out onto the stage at the SBU talent show in tutus as the opening notes begin to play, we know things are about to get even cheesier.
Hey, no one said you can’t be cheesy AND talented!

So what exactly is the talent here?
It does, in fact, involve the beach ball one of the men carried out.
After a few attempts at some ballet movements, the guys already have their crowd laughing.

The movements are slow and simple, but it’s their deadpan delivery of the performance that’s truly amusing.
They’re taking this very seriously – and as we know, anyone who can keep a straight face to “Total Eclipse of the Heart” is part comedian.

But here comes the beach ball!
After walking around each other with meaningful glances shot over their shoulders every now and then, the two men come together with only the orange inflatable ball to keep them apart.

But the dance they’re able to perform while rolling that ball between their chests is what makes the whole show.
First, they try some plies, which takes some synchronization so they don’t literally or figuratively “drop the ball.” That would simply ruin everything!
After some success, they try a more advanced maneuver – rolling their bodies to opposite sides until the ball is between their outstretched hands. Frankly, it’s the perfect choreography for this song – it’s all ridiculous.

The goal is not to let the ball touch the floor – while wearing a tutu and keeping a straight face.
It’s a talent show, after all, so you have to bring your A-game!
They manage to roll the ball to their opposite hands, do a few more dips, and continue to circle around each other with the beach ball between their palms.
At this point, the giggling from the audience is nearly obscuring the music. If you know one of the men on stage, it must seem doubly hilarious.

Triplett and Gilberto amassed quite the fan club, no doubt, even among the audience members who didn’t know them.
And, to be honest, ever WE’RE impressed by the move they pull off at one minute in!
They even do their “roll and slide” maneuver backward – these guys put some serious practice time into their unique performance. Who would even think to come up with such choreography? (Answer: college guys.)

If for some reason you don’t feel compelled to watch the video, believe us when we say their final moves are truly something to behold – there are handstands, a crawl-under, and plenty of other things that you just can’t help but laugh about.
But be sure to watch until the end for the full effect!
Scroll down to see their off-beat but hilarious performance. It’s worth it!
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