When you know that you’ve met the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, the next step is to figure out how you want to say it. Do you want to go big, or keep it small and intimate?
When the coach for University of Northwestern Ohio’s baseball team knew that he wanted to propose to his girlfriend, he decided to use his unique circumstances to make a one of a kind proposal happen for the woman of his dreams.
With an entire baseball team’s worth of young, disciplined men, he hatched a plan.

First off, it’s so impressive that he was able to get these college kids to commit their free time to do this favor for him. These guys must have so much respect for their coach. Clearly, he means a lot to these young men.
The hours that everyone involved put into this flash mob proposal much have been long and most likely frustrating at times. Can you imagine what it’s like to get a bunch of baseball boys to learn a choreographed dance like this? They’re not the most complicated steps, but these guys are used to swinging bats, not tapping their toes!

Coach’s girlfriend Ashley had no idea that this had anything to do with her for the majority of the performance. She happily watched along, wondering what all the fuss could possibly be about. Surely, this type of thing doesn’t happen at every game.
By the looks of it, these guys had some moves in them all along! They’re pretty much in perfect synch the whole time!
Have you ever seen a flash mob proposal on this scale before? There are just so many bodies out there on the giant baseball field. It’s quite the sight to see.
Then, when the dancing is over, they all line up on the field holding one red rose each.

Ashely’s brought down onto the field and each one of the young men hands her their rose. Soon enough, she had too many roses to hold on her own and family members had to step in and help collect them!
When she gets to the end of the line. Members of the baseball team form a walkway for Coach Aaron to walk through towards the love of his life.
You can’t hear what he says to her, but you can bet it’s super personal and sweet. These are words that only need to be shared between the two of them, even after this big public spectacle.

One of the YouTube comments says it all:
“Coach must be a special guy: 1. To take that much thought, time, and energy to put this together and 2. To get 100+ college men to take the time to coordinate this means they have a great deal of love and respect for the man. Congrats. Now I have two questions: 1. Who is practicing in SEPTEMBER? 2. How much playing time do these guy get? ;)”
Another commenter has another pretty good point:
“Omg I’m glad she said yes, I bet all the players would be pissed if she said no like ‘all this work for nothing?!’”
Can you imagine?
But Coach knew that it was right, he wouldn’t have wasted their time if he wasn’t absolutely sure of their love.
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