Band begins slowly then jumps into one of the most technical and satisfying performances ever
It's no surprise that this incredible performance has garnered over 2 million views.
Caryl Jane Espiritu

We all know how marching bands are.

They are usually seen to be joining parades and while the bandmates are playing musical instruments, their music is more of like a background tune for the events they join in.

YouTube - Christensen Media
YouTube - Christensen Media

There is one marching band out there who can prove that these musicians are capable of playing more than just a tune.

The Blue Devils is a marching band group based in California and their technical performances can wow anyone who hears them play. The group is part of an organization called Drum Corps International (DCI).

YouTube - Christensen Media
YouTube - Christensen Media

DCI is not just any marching band. It is actually a circuit where the musicians compete across the United States, playing technical pieces that people will never expect from marching bands.

The Blue Devils performed a brass warm-up just before one championship game they joined in.

YouTube - Christensen Media
YouTube - Christensen Media

It was such a marvelous performance that people online can only watch in awe of their technical prowess. Their performance was full of passion, and energy and definitely one that the audience will be having a hard time forgetting.

Their unreal performance was captured on camera and eventually uploaded on YouTube where it has now racked up more than 2 million views!

YouTube - Christensen Media
YouTube - Christensen Media

So, what made their performance such a hit online? Their simple but highly technical number is one to watch out for.

In the video clip, their conductor can be seen as he faced the band and his back was to the camera. He was standing firm and his hands were posed for their performance.

As he prepares to conduct the band, the air in the field is charged with excitement and wonder. What will the band perform that night?

YouTube - Christensen Media
YouTube - Christensen Media

The performance began just like any other number. It was simple.

But as soon as their conductor ramped up the energy, the band matches his with equal vigor, all while marching in place! Can you imagine the focus and concentration the musicians had to do such a performance?

Their music is not ending, and their breathing techniques are superb. Who can play big instruments on their shoulders while blowing incessantly and controlling their breathing? It is definitely a sight to watch the musicians give their best while performing.

YouTube - Christensen Media
YouTube - Christensen Media

The flow of their music stayed consistent for a few moments until their conductor started walking closer to the band.

What could he be preparing to do? The man walked slowly toward the band, while the group sustained their incredible tone and music. And then it happened.

YouTube - Christensen Media
YouTube - Christensen Media

He suddenly moved his arm in one direction of the band, and that is where the music happened. Wherever his hand would go, the music would flow and sound as if his hand is magically controlling the sound coming from the instruments.

But, of course, that was the amazing team matching the arm movements of their conductor. Wow!

The man moved his arm, and the music followed. Each wave created a new level of incredible!

YouTube - Christensen Media
YouTube - Christensen Media

At one point, the conductor even made some quick waves which the band marvelously followed. Truly, their focus and talent are quite evident in their showcase. Watching their technical and entertaining number is definitely worth anybody’s time.

Curious as to how this one-of-a-kind performance wrapped up? Watch the video below and be amazed.

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