Young ballerina keeps missing her steps at recital – steals the spotlight with hilarious antics
Who knew a ballet routine going wrong could be so funny!?
Randy Aragon

We’ve all seen performance nightmares, but have you ever seen it happen on purpose? In this theatrical performance, the ballerinas mix comedy, acting, and dance, to get the point across. It’s titled, “Ballet Class Gone Bad,” and one girl shows us just how bad a ballerina could mess-up.

This is hilarious, the little girl doing the “bad” ballet is a natural comedian.

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When the ballerina’s first walk out, you can immediately tell who the “bad” one is, as she runs out late and frantic

Right from the first scene it’s funny, the rest of the ballerinas elegantly come out and take their place. Out of nowhere, little Maddie runs out late and hysterically waving her hands.

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From there, Maddie gets out of line and starts to do her own routine. She purposefully crowds the other dancers and spins right into the other girls. You can tell this is going to be good right from the jump!

Maddie tries to cut off one little girl and she’s not having it, she starts pushing her back into line. Don’t worry, it’s all part of the show

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The tiny ballerinas double as great actresses, they commit to their roles and it makes the show extremely comical. Maddie gets back in line, only this time she’s facing the wrong direction.

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She then bumps the girl behind her with her behind, hard enough to knock her off her routine. This probably happens in real life, it might not be so funny then.

Just when you thought the “bad” ballerina couldn’t get any better at being bad, she jumps onto the balancing poles and starts doing summersaults

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When Maddie starts doing summersaults on the balancing poles, two of the “good” ballerinas dramatically try to pull her off and get her back on track. After they finally get her off, she moves on down the line.

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I love how the rest of the ballerinas continue doing ballet as if nothing is happening! Maddie moved down the line and starts accidentally kicking another ballerina while doing a leg lift.

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She continues to bomb the routine on purpose, spinning of cue and doing whatever it takes to disrupt the show

This will have you cracking up from start to finish. All of the ballerinas do a wonderful job and the crowd absolutely loves them. Finally, to end the show, all the ballerinas band together and kick the disruptive dancer out of the class.

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The video was a viral sensation with over 3.3 million views on YouTube

People on YouTube couldn’t get enough of the “bad” dancer, some people even saw themselves in her.

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“Who Just Keeps On Watching Over And Over Again.” Said one YouTube user.

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“when you look back on childhood ballet and you were that girl…” Said another viewer.

There were also a lot of YouTuber’s that had no idea she was supposed to mess up, which may have made it even more fun for them. To see the hilarious ballerina’s, watch the video below.

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ballet gone bad

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