Ballet is one of the classiest forms of dance. Grace, precision, balance, strength, and more are all elements that it takes to make a good dancer. Then there’s the look. The ballet shoes and tutus- it’s every little girl’s dream at some point. But what sets this particular performance apart is their footwear, have you ever seen a ballerina wear… boots?

The Russian dance group, who’s name translates to The State Academic Folk Dance Ensemble, performs this seven minute long performance in boots and heels.
Yep. Forget the traditional lace up slippers, some of these dancers, men and women I might add, complete their routine in what looks like cowboy boots. The foot wear choice creates a more intense effect as their stomps echo loud through the hall every time a heel hits the floor. Something that you would never see in a traditional ballet performance.

Not to mention, when it comes to the routine, these dancers make it look like it’s easy. The way that they’re moving their bodies is incredible. From bending nearly in half to flipping over their partners head, their routines are next level difficult, yet they execute every move flawlessly. Though this is clearly just a rehearsal, there are almost no mistakes.
The performance starts out simple, with the ladies latching arms and shuffling, kicking their feet, and making noise with those boots. The routine picks up the pace a little as they unlatch, but stay in sync doing some slightly higher kicks.
For the next part of the dance, the women forma a circle, again without ever really letting go of one another, around one of the male dancers. As the music speeds up so do they and the man fades from view, while the women never break focus, but the most interesting part is to come.

Then the men make their first full appearance by holding onto one another and hoping backwards in a line onto the dance floor. Again, it’s clear that this is not an easy feat to accomplish and the group makes it look so easy.

The men coming into the picture make for a great segue into the partner dances, one of the most impressive parts of the whole video. The symphony dies down to just a beat and claps playing in the back ground as one by one the couples make their way to the middle to show off their skills. The first pair dances almost swing-like to the middle and then before you know she’s holding onto his arms hovering above the ground as he moves them in a circle, stepping over and around her every times she makes a full rotation. And the following acts are just as incredible from flips, to more swing moves, it’s impossible to look away for fear of what you might miss.

The Russian ballet has more videos posted to their Youtube channel just as captivating as this one. This particular video though has become one of their most popular, with thousands of likes and comments, from everyone amazed at their performance.
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