This little lady gets it. Life may present many challenges and obstacles but what’s stopping us from taking a few minutes to ourselves and just having a great time? Everyday is a beautiful day if only we choose to see it.
Little Missy does. The sun was out, music was great, and she took advantage of it. She gathered a crowd too!

Loosen up!
Music has this mysterious power of uniting people. Doesn’t matter which country you’re from, nor does it matter how old one is. Music just has that effect on humans. Maybe we’re wired to react to it.

In the same way that adults go out for drinks while enjoying a band or the background music, this little girl went out on to the middle of a public place and broke into dance. Probably after a bottle… of milk. Dance away!
And the thing with kids is that they could care less what others would think or say. When they want to do it, they’ll go for it.

It’s no wonder then that adults enjoy watching children and their many antics. Fully grown men and women need to behave and conform to society’s many expectations. Well, not always. Not all of them.

The music was as vibrant and lively as this adorable little girl’s dancing was.

Bob Marley was a Jamaican singer, songwriter, and musician who many consider is the pioneer of reggae music. His distinctive voice and manner of singing made him a global sensation and a well known face for decades to come.
You’ll see Marley on shirts, mugs, posters, and more.
Marley passed away in 1981. But his mission, his personal mission, of opening the eyes of the world to his home country with it’s many troubles worked in ways he never imagined. Marley’s reggae style broke borders.

Listen to his songs and you’re basically listening to his life stories.
Marley had lived with the oppressed and downtrodden. And yet he sang about them in such a way that made it seem like everything in the world was fine. When Marley passed away due to a malignant melanoma, the former Prime Minister of Jamaica had this to say at Marley’s funeral,
“His voice was an omnipresent cry in our electronic world. His sharp features, majestic looks, and prancing style a vivid etching on the landscape of our minds. Bob Marley was never seen. He was an experience which left an indelible imprint with each encounter. Such a man cannot be erased from the mind. He is part of the collective consciousness of the nation.”

Marley’s spirit lives on.
Check out Little Missy’s spin and smile! She has awesome footwork for her age. In fact, her energy was so contagious, a man holding a bowl of food and a bottle of water walked over and did a little dance with her. And she wasn’t scared.

With the music over, she receives an applause but the little lady applauds herself as well, even facing her audience and giving a bow!
Everyone was watching with smiles on their faces, and she returns the favor with a beautiful smile of her own. That’s how you enjoy the day, ladies and gentlemen!

No worries, she’s always happy! Watch this adorable toddler’s dance below!
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