Line-dancing is for everyone
It’s derivative of different dance styles from the 1970s disco era. Over time it merged with other genres like Country and Modern until it became what it is today- a dance hall favorite!

It is composed of easy moves so that anyone could follow, making this a popular social dance that you can comfortably perform even with strangers.
However, line-dancing is not just for leisure but also sport

Line-dancing has spread far and wide across the globe. In fact, there are line-dancing competitions held in different countries, even in Australia. Crikey!
In one fateful competition, a group stunned their audience with their awesome line-dance routine

There is an annual line-dancing competition called the New South Wales Line Dancing Championships, and it takes place in Sydney, Australia. In 2013, a certain group of country dancers wowed their audience after their memorable performance on-stage.
They are called the HOTFOOT Line Dance Team

As their name is called out, one of the team’s dancers riled up the crowd with her rhythmic clap while she skipped towards the center of the stage.
The song playing was called “Fake I.D.” by Big and Rich featuring Gretchen Wilson.

Following, were the rest of her teammates which emerged from the crowd one by one. Although it’s asking a lot for everyone to be perfectly in sync straight off the bat, with every second that passes each member slowly transitioned to match along with their lead.
Suddenly, they were dancing in perfect harmony

It is quite impressive how each transitioned smoothly between moves without dragging the others down. They executed their moves fluidly with complete synchronization even despite such a complicated start. Every step, hop, and kick is just so pleasant on the eyes that you just can’t take your attention away from them.
You know that the audience was loving every bit of it as well

You can hear cheers and yells from the background as the HOTFOOT members danced their hearts out. Some were too mesmerized to say a word, while the others enjoyed drum-tapping along with the beat of the music watching the competitors’ dance.
It would be hard to follow this performance!

Unless the next teams were confident to top HOTFOOT’s slick dance routines, then they’d be fine. However, HOTFOOT really did set the bar high for the rest of their competitors. Furthermore, they left some good impressions on-stage and on the internet.
The video was viewed over 3 million times on YouTube…

People admired how HOTFOOT managed to pull off classy dance moves and end it with a BANG! The uploader, Nigel Mooney was a fan of line-dancing and genres closely related to it, which is why he probably shared it on his channel. He even offered to teach others the routine, with some claiming that HOTFOOT’s routine was hard to follow and wanted to learn how to do it.
This annual line-dancing competition was started for a great cause

This competition wasn’t just made to choose the best line-dancing team but was also meant to raise funds for Ronald McDonald House Charities Greater Western Sydney. Last year, because of the coronavirus pandemic, the NSW ball was canceled. Despite that, they still managed to raise $10,000 for the charity. If things get better this year, we might be hope to see another event like this sooner.
Watch them heat up the floor in the video below!
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