If you’re in need of something to put a smile on your face, the adorable video below might just do the trick.
The dancer is named Audrey Nethery, and she’s an internet star with a big heart and personality. Despite suffering from a rare disease – it doesn’t keep her from staying positive and sharing her singing and dancing talents with the world. And as you’ll soon find out, Audrey also has a passion for Zumba!

Audrey was diagnosed with Diamond-Blackfan Anemia (DBA) at just two-months-old.
The rare bone marrow disorder means that an individual doesn’t produce enough red blood cells, which transport oxygen in the body. According to NIH, approximately 50% of DBA patients have physical abnormalities.
Even though Audrey’s battling the disorder, it hasn’t stopped her from doing all the things she loves! In fact, she’s also combined her talents with spreading awareness about DBA – in the hopes of raising money to go towards vital research for improved treatments and a cure.

Audrey captured the internet’s attention (and heart) once her dad began posting videos of her singing and dancing online.
In an interview with WAVE 3 News, the girl from Louisville, Kentucky shared that Taylor Swift was her musical inspiration. She explained:
“Because she has all the passion and spirit and I thought I would start singing to maybe put a little passion and spirit in me so maybe I could fight off my disease.”

Audrey’s social media accounts are filled with videos of Audrey that leave you grinning from ear to ear. She has a bright spirit that shines through in each one.
On her YouTube channel, her dad Scott shared:
“Audrey is a beautiful, smart and happy little girl who loves music, singing, dancing, stuffed animals and baby dolls!”

Her viral videos have led her to opportunities like appearing on Ellen and the Rachael Ray Show – along with partnering up with Steven Battey and Kayla C. for a music video called “Life’s Beautiful.”
Like many others, Audrey likes to get her feet moving with Zumba! It’s one of her hobbies that she’s shared online throughout the years.
In the video below, Audrey’s wearing her Cardinals baseball shirt and she’s ready for a workout! Zumba has been around since 1998 and is a dance fitness program that’s in countries around the world. While some may dread exercise, Zumba is a lot of fun and “made for everyone.”

Audrey jumps into the routine showing off her Zumba dance skills. She follows along with the instructor as Francesca Maria’s “Zumba High” plays in the background.
It’s impossible not to smile watching Audrey move her feet, jump around, and roll her arms. Hey, this girl is really good!

Audrey waves her arms and shakes her hips during the high-energy dance workout that might make you want to join in too.
During her interview with WAVE 3 News, Audrey also shared:
“I don’t make as much blood cells as most people do. And it makes me a little bit short, but that doesn’t stop me from moving and acting.”

It’s no wonder Audrey has found internet fame, as she’s truly an inspiration with a heart of gold. The family even has a GoFundMe page to help raise money for DBA.
You can watch Audrey in action for yourself by pressing play below!
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