Talk about poetry in motion.
These guys took synchronized gymnastics to a whole new level. Gymnastics in itself is no easy sport. The strength, dexterity, and balance needed to execute all those moves take years of practice. Now imagine performing a routine together as a team. At the same time.

Japan is a nation steeped in culture.
A country that holds both traditional and modern ways with pride, this country held on to their past and preserved its ways for future generations to experience while still adapting to the modern world, even becoming one of its pioneers.

When the Japanese dedicate themselves to a discipline, it is part of who they are that they have to excel in that field. There are no half-hearted efforts. These amazing men and women make an artwork of their lives.

It only follows then that these guys would turn this dance in to a beautiful piece of art.
Dande lion commented,
“The sync was so accurate and perfect that the dancers look like they were computer cloned and animated. It is amazing how smooth and fluid the flips were. WOW.”
They are so light on their feet it’s almost like they’re floating.

What makes it interesting is that where most gymnasts perform high energy, high intensity routines, thee guys are doing a slower, more meaningful routine. It actually has a story if this comment is accurate,
“this performance was dedicated to their former teammate, who died from brain cancer. this was the song he used to perform with when doing the individual competitions. usually group gymnastics have teammates cheering them, clapping before/after each big feat, but for this they remained quiet for their said teammate. so moving and so beautiful!”
That’s a beautiful tribute.

Men’s rhythmic gymnastics was born in Japan. It is commonly associated with women but with the guys, the movements are more acrobatic and dynamic as compared to the graceful beauty of the girls.

These guys make use of all the space with strong, graceful moves that allow them to display their athleticism without all that macho hoopla most sports require. Don’t think they’re weak though.

Those movements are only executed because they can lift and control their bodies at will. Lots of training, exercise, and discipline. Very Japanese.

Alternating flips, kicks, somersaults and back flips are not easy. When was the last time you did a cartwheel?
It’s like a dream watching these guys. They move like running water, or a leaf being carried by a breeze. There’s no way any normal guy could pull this off. Not unless he wants a one way ticket to the hospital.

What it is, is borderline ballet. Like those great stories told in theaters but narrated in music and dance, this is a story being told to the audience. A story of a friend who has gone. One they will never forget.

Watch these Japanese boys defy physics in the video below!
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