We’ve all gotten used to hearing or seeing the name “Andrea” then Bocelli and for good reason.
The man is a legend.
He’s amazing and even the best singers in the world acknowledge that fact so it goes without saying that many people want to hear more of him.

But as incredible as Andrea is, he is still a man.
Lucky for us his kids are following in his gigantic footsteps.
This is his son, Mattteo, and I’m sure the ladies will agree that he is a delight to the eyes.

But go beyond his dashing good looks and you cannot deny that he is a talented singer with a style all his own.
Matteo Bocelli’s been around for quite some time, and this time he is serenading music fans with his version of Christmas songs.

Let your ears delight in “Have yourself a Merry little Christmas” right here.
Andrea, together with Matteo and daughter Virginia have released their first family album, “A Family Christmas”.
And as is typical with their music videos for this album, Matteo sings surrounded by Christmas lights.
He lets his voice take over minus all the distracting background shenanigans that’s common in today’s music videos.

Here’s a little history about this beloved holiday classic.
Songwriters Hugh Martin and Ralph Blaine wrote “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” for Judy Garland’s 1944 movie, Meet Me in St. Louis.
Yup, THAT Judy Garland.

Martin tried to work with the song in his head, but he tossed in in the trash after a few days.
Luckily, Blaine heard it and told Martin that it was too good to throw away so the two men worked on the first version which was pretty sad.
Judy Garland asked for a revision and a disagreement ensued.

The song has stayed in its sad state for decades so maybe that’s really how it was intended to be.
But “Have yourself a Merry little Christmas” does make listeners long to be with their families and friends, especially those who are far away.
It’s a melancholic ache that has you wanting to come home for the holidays.
Matteo stays true to the theme too, singing the same song while showing his vocal prowess.

The comments are full of praises, with the likes of,
“Matteo you charm us in this nostalgic and full of melancholy song. This is a beautiful interpretation of Frank Sinatra’s song. Your voice wraps you like a warm blanket and brings relief. Your smile soothes the sadness of the soul and gives hope, your sparkling eyes light up the darkness of worries and anxiety. For a moment! Let this moment last! Thank you Matteo!”
This moment will last since Christmas happens every year!

Nothing fancy or flamboyant here, just the son of Andrea showing the world that the Bocelli name will live on.
And that they will now be associated with the holidays as well. Now that’s a wonderful present to unwrap.
Listen to Matteo’s stunning rendition below!
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