What a year 2020 has been. And it’s not over yet. But even though the world has had to deal with a pandemic, volcanoes, earthquakes, and storms, the human spirit continues to endure. People fight back. Humans are resilient.
But we are still human. We break down. Everyone goes through a personal battle we don’t always know about. It pays to be kind. And it pays to pray.

And we can pray through song.
Go to any part of the world, follow any religion you want, and you will find music and singing. It is part of praying. Part of that spiritual elation. From Christianity, to Judaism, Islam, and others, singing takes followers to a higher plane. Something above the woes of the world.

“Amazing Grace” is one of those songs that have truly become timeless. It was written in 1772 by John Newton. And as you may have guessed by now, been covered by countless artists.

But here is one rendition so moving and so powerful, it seems to have given the song a rebirth. Done by the great Andrea Bocelli with Alison Krauss, this is part of Bocelli’s new album, Believe.
The legendary tenor sings as if he represents everyone’s troubles everywhere all at once.
“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind but now I see.”

And it sounds even more special knowing that Andrea is blind.
Alison takes over. The country singer is a legend in her own right with a career starting in the eighties having many awards and titles to her name. Listen to her. The song suits her well, doesn’t it? Krauss sounds like an angel. A soprano angel.

It is a message of hope and unity.
While you listen, do you just suddenly go quiet and stare off? Like nothing else matters but goodness and love? You’re not alone.
“It feels like angels are dancing in my ears.”
Says a viewer named Chantelle.

In fact, the song itself was written because John Newton had a profound conversion experience. It’s quite the story but it basically speaks of second chances and redemption because no one is ever lost. One only needs to choose a new path.

Newton converted to Christianity after a miracle at sea.
So from 1772 to 2020, this song has lifted countless spirits and given light to many people’s darkness. That’s 248 years of this song working its magic into the lives of others. They had faith. So should you.
“Through many dangers, toils and snares
We have already come
T’was Grace that brought us safe thus far
And Grace will lead us home”

And for every time Bocelli’s voice soars, for each note Krauss hits with perfection, someone somewhere is singing along, mouthing the lyrics to themselves in the hopes of standing up again.
This is a duet that captures 2020 and just slaps it in its face.

It is signature Andrea Bocelli with his ability to captivate and spellbind his listeners with that powerful voice. Alison’s soaring command of the song are like wings that elevate the human spirit to heights where no troubles can come near.

Listen to the 2020 edition of a timeless hit below, it’s stunning!
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