Ventriloquism is cool, and it is a skill often overlooked but one that always seems to shock and impress those watching.
Admit it, you wish you had the skill to do the same and channel your voice on to a doll or something.
Ana-Maria Mărgean, at her young age, managed to impress the America’s Got Talent audience and its judges with her act.

Here she is on stage with Mrs. Know It All, her special friend and mentor.
Mărgean has the charisma and stage presence with the judges already all smiles during the introduction.
And she did win “Romania’s Got Talent” in 2021.

Ana-Maria Mărgean took to the stage signing “I Put a Spell On You,” alongside Mrs. Know It All, her ventriloquism skills delighting her audience the entire time.
But it is her singing that makes this young Romanian stand out.
Mărgean has an incredible voice and she allows her vocals to soar and take over the show, the audience cheering and applauding her brilliance.

Howie Mandel, Heidi Klum, and Simon Cowell were all smiles.
“For those who have not watched any of her Originals, you’ve missed a GREAT voice. Her voice belongs with all of the greatest female performers.
The puppets are precious too, but her true colors are her total singing.” says a fan in the comments section.
Mrs. Know It All doesn’t seem to agree though.

The puppet says Ana-Maria should sing from the heart and all that constructive criticism so Mărgean asks the puppet to show her how.
So Mrs. Know It All takes it away, singing the same song to show everyone watching how one should sing.
What’s impressive is how the tone changes when it’s coming from one person!

Mrs. Know It All finishes her part, her crowd cheering her on while Mărgean tells her that she loved the singing.
So what else was there to do but to sing the song together?
Mărgean and Mrs. Know It All launch into a powerful duet, casting their spell on the audience and a smiling Simon Cowell.

The duet ends, the judges stand, and the audience shower Mărgean and Mrs. Know It All with their admiration.
Heidi called it flawless, super impressed by how the young Romanian never even moved her lips.
Not to mention the fact that she’s gone further than Terry Fator.

“Wow. If Ariana Grande was Romanian and 14 years old with a puppet, I think that’s what we’re watching,” judge Howie Mandel told Margean.
He then says how “amazing” it was that she’s able to impress an English-speaking audience when her first language is not English.
“You’re exactly what an all-star is.” he finished praising her.

Simon Cowell added to the praise, saying how remarkable it was that Ana-Maria just walked out on stage with a puppet and decided to sing.
There is a huge market for her, according to the esteemed judge.
That means we will be seeing more of this Romanian ventriloquist in the near future.
Watch this delightful performance in the video below!
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