Street performers are an underappreciated gift.
In a modern world where we can stream music from our phones and laptops 24/7, it makes live performances feel more valuable.
There’s something about street performances that streaming or concerts just don’t have.
Could it be the raw, authentic passion behind a living person? Or the sound quality?
Or the uncompromising talent in their vocals and instruments, knowing that they don’t have fancy sound equipment to make up for it?
We’ll never say no to a good street performance, like this one where they perform “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen.

What else is there to say about Cohen’s “Hallelujah”?
It’s a fairly popular song choice for singers looking to showcase their vocals.
The song has a decent number of sections requiring good breath support and tone.
Cohen was no vocal powerhouse belting notes at the top of his lungs, but he could sing.
At the very least, any singer looking to tackle the song needs to have some fundamentals down.
Tone, nasal resonance, support from the diaphragm, and so on.
Save the belting for when you take a crack at a Whitney Houston or Queen song.

Cohen put blood, sweat, and tears into writing this song.
It’s said that he wrote up to 80 drafts for the song.
I guess he was a perfectionist.

The song is written in 12/8 time, and those more vocally-demanding parts are where Cohen threw in some of the Biblical nods.
All in all, a great song written by a great songwriter.
And it takes a great singer to do it justice like these two did.

Playing the guitar is a young woman, and singing with her is an even younger boy.
With his musical interest and red hair, the video title affectionately calls him a young “Ed Sheeran”.

This young, red-headed prodigy does have one heck of a voice. I wonder if he does choir or comes from a musical family.
The girl is the first to sing parts of Cohen’s song, and she does it while spectacularly playing the guitar too.
That’s the kind of talent you find in street performers – and it’s the type you don’t want to miss.
This acoustic cover is the latest in a decades long tradition of covering the song.

And the number of times it’s been covered is ironic, considering Cohen’s record producers thought the song wouldn’t perform well.
Goes to show that most of the time, the artist knows better than the producer.
These two young musicians are Allie Sherlock and Fionn Whelan.

Allie has a far bigger audience than the bystanders would have you believe.
Her YouTube channel has almost 6 million subscribers.
That means young Fionn also had millions more witness his performance than he initially thought!
With luck, that exposure gets him somewhere even greater.

Their duet is so beautiful that not only did it draw a big crowd, but it’s also earned over 16 million views as well.
Watch Allie and Fionn’s spectacular cover below!
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