Ballerina has jaws dropping as she attempts to walk across glass bottles
Her heart-racing act took place 15 feet in the air. 😲
Jake Manning

Ashlee Montague took the Britain’s Got Talent stage by storm with a performance that left everyone in awe.

The ballerina executed an extraordinary act, balancing precariously on top of glass bottles while being 15 feet in the air.

This combination of intricate ballet movements and the challenging feat of maintaining balance on such unstable surfaces captivated both the audience and the judges.

It was a performance that not only showcased her physical talent but also pushed the boundaries of what is typically expected from ballet.


From the moment Ashlee stepped onto the stage, there was a sense of anticipation in the air.

The audience held their breath as she began her routine, knowing that any misstep could lead to a dangerous fall.

Her performance was not just about grace and poise but also about the sheer strength and control required to stay balanced on the glass bottles.

Each movement was executed with precision, highlighting her exceptional skill and dedication to her craft.


Simon Cowell, known for his critical eye and often skeptical views on ballet and opera, was visibly impressed.

Initially doubtful about how ballet could fit into a variety show format, Simon found himself enthralled by Ashlee’s unique approach.

He admitted that her performance made ballet interesting and acknowledged it as one of the most difficult acts he had seen in a long time.

His change of heart was proof to Ashlee’s ability to break through preconceived notions and deliver something truly captivating.


Heidi Klum praised Ashlee not only for her technical skill but also for the emotional depth she brought to her performance.

Heidi noted how Ashlee’s expressions and body language conveyed her dedication and desire to succeed in the competition.

This emotional connection resonated with the audience and judges alike, adding another layer to the already impressive act.

It was clear that Ashlee was not just performing a routine – she was sharing a piece of her soul with everyone watching.


Howie Mandel brought up the sheer difficulty of performing on pointe, which in itself is a demanding feat.

Adding the complexity of balancing on glass bottles took the performance to an entirely new level.

Howie found the act to be both dangerous and innovative, qualities not typically associated with ballet.

This combination of classical ballet and daring acrobatics set Ashlee’s performance apart, showcasing her versatility and willingness to push the boundaries of her art form.


The audience and judges shared moments of intense tension and relief throughout the performance.

Each successful move was met with gasps and applause, while moments of apparent instability drew collective breaths of anxiety.

This dynamic created an emotional rollercoaster, underscoring the high stakes of Ashlee’s act.

The shared experience of tension and relief brought everyone together, making the performance even more impactful.


As the performance concluded, the judges’ responses were unanimously positive.

Each judge voted “yes,” advancing Ashlee Montague to the next round of the competition.

Their praise highlighted the uniqueness and memorability of her act.

The combination of classical ballet with acrobatic elements made her performance stand out in a field of diverse talents.

It was a moment of triumph for Ashlee, who had not only performed flawlessly but had also won over some of the toughest critics in the industry.


Ashlee Montague’s performance was more than just a display of technical skill – it was a groundbreaking blend of art forms.

The fusion of classical ballet with the daring challenge of balancing on glass bottles created an act that was both beautiful and nerve-wracking.

This innovative approach ensured that her performance would be remembered long after the show ended.

It was a perfect example of how traditional art forms can be reimagined and elevated to new heights.


A viewer summed up the feelings of many when they exclaimed,

“Omg! The strength it takes to be on pointe shoes is one thing; but to balance on glass bottles on pointe is phenomenal! She should have gotten a Golden Buzzer!”

This quote encapsulates the awe and admiration felt by those who witnessed Ashlee’s extraordinary performance.

Her ability to combine strength, grace, and innovation set a new standard for what can be achieved on the Britain’s Got Talent stage.

Watch the ballerina’s heart-racing act in the video below!

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