It’s like rolling thunder and crashing waves all in one.
These ladies display a stunning sequence of footwork without music. They create their own beat with those shoes, tapping away with a rhythmic beat that allows them to bounce up and down to the catchy count.
Irish hard shoe dancing is rooted in tradition. It is the trademark of these dances for dancers to be stiff and upright, their arms positioned down to their sides as they move in a vertical motion in quick successive movements.
These twelve ladies take hard shoe dancing to the next level, doing it a cappella style. Those curled hairstyles are the traditional look, the dresses match to catch the eye of judges and onlookers, and stockings are always in order.
Why are these girls so good?
They are from Rince Nua Irish Dance Studio. It’s all about Irish dancing for this studio. The website states,
“At Rince Nua, your child will be learning a proven curriculum that has helped hundreds of students learn the foundations of Irish Dance. We create memorable, joyous and confidence-building experiences for children. We provide a dance community where children feel supported, have fun, and feel loved. We give our very best to every child who comes through our door. All our programming is specific to assisting children in building positive life-long habits.”
Watch how these ladies move. You’ll see just how dedicated they are to the dance.
Irish dancing is always about celebrating the country’s unique and mysterious culture. What better way to teach kids and adults about Ireland’s culture than by wholesome dancing?
No one paid much attention to Irish dancing. It was back in Eurovision 1994 when a group known as Riverdance took to the stage and stunned audiences worldwide. All this while votes were being counted for the actual contestants.
Jean Butler and Michael Flatley exploded on the stage along with other dancers. From then on, everyone took notice of Irish dancing.
Impressive footwork! They alternate, then do a few steps together, then launch into the air with a few kicks here and there. And no one makes a single mistake. Perfectly choreographed!
When you watch this over and over, it becomes almost hypnotic.
It takes incredible discipline and balance to be tap dancing and jumping like these ladies for a minute or two. You’d have to have a pretty strong pair of lungs to even keep up!
Notice how Irish dancers always keep their arms and hands to their sides? It was believed to be this way since dancers of old only had small spaces to perform in. Think small pubs or barns. No one wants to get hit by a random hand!
Another trademark of Irish dance is that they perform on the balls of their feet with toes pointed outwards. Watch these girls closely. Makes you want to stand up and learn, doesn’t it?
Check out these talented Irish dancing ladies of Rince Nua below!
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