On September 1, 2014, a man named Alex took his girlfriend to see an a capella performance by the group All Hail A Capella on the campus of the University of Southern California. A video of what happened after the performance has been viewed over 5.4 million times since then.
The video begins with the group on stage announcing they have a special treat for their fans. Then, they ask for volunteers from the audience to help them out.

Specifically, they want a “Trojan couple” – the Trojans are the USC mascot.
It takes only a few seconds for a hand to go up in the balcony.

Once they get on stage, the couple introduces themselves as Anna and Alex.
Anna is asked to sit in a chair while Alex gets to choose a song for the group to sing for Anna.

To a chorus of “awws” he chooses Frankie Valli’s “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You.” Anna seems not to suspect anything as the group gets ready to sing a song they theoretically didn’t know was coming.
Suddenly, Anna is being serenaded by a group member while the rest of the performers provide backup vocals.

It looks a lot like flirting as Alex stands behind Anna while she fans herself and watches the singer.
But all of a sudden he does something unexpected – the vocalist comes up to the couple and grabs ALEX by the hand and drags him to center stage.
Alas, Alex has had this planned from the get-go as he’s handed the microphone and starts belting out the song himself.
The audience screams as Anna looks both shocked and charmed by the scene. Luckily, Alex can carry a tune!

And there are many more surprises to come.
Suddenly, the group splits and points to the stage curtain which opens to reveal a full choir.
The song changes and we’re listening to Alex sing Jackie Wilson’s “(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher.”
Needless to say, Anna is having a great time!

But now it’s time for another song change – to Elton John’s “Your Song.”
Alex then reaches out for her hand, pulling her from the chair to join him in the center of the stage (it’s a good thing she dressed up that night!).
It must be pretty overwhelming to share a deeply romantic moment with a group of performers and a large auditorium full of people.

Does she know what’s about to happen?
Alex is done singing but the backup vocals continue as he tells everyone they met 8 years prior to that moment. For a second it seems that Alex’s romantic words are making her blush and Anna looks ready to sit back down.
But Alex isn’t about to let her go before the big moment.

He tells her to wait for just a second and the crowd begins to scream. It’s clear Alex is headed down on one knee.
It’s an unbelievably romantic moment – a daydream almost. No doubt many women have fantasized about being proposed to in such a way.

Alex finally pops the question as rose petals fly at them from the singers, creating quite a scene.
But after all that does she say yes?
Be sure to scroll down below to see the final moments of the video.
Let’s just say there’s A LOT more screaming to come.
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