Some kids are naturally musically inclined.
From a young age, they’re able to play tunes far beyond their years. That was the case for this eight-year-old prodigy, Aron Hodek. In this video, he jumps on stage and showcases his talent. He even shares the stage with Grammy-winning jazz bassist, Richard Bona, who can’t believe what he’s seeing. Needless to say, Hodek is sensational.
To be this gifted at such a young age is truly profound!
This past year at the National Association of Music Merchants, Bona invited a Hodek to play onstage with him.
From the very beginning, it’s clear Hodek is a talented boy with a knack for the bass. He willingly jumps on stage and the two proceed to put on a spectacle for the entire crowd. While sitting next to Bona, Hodek follows his lead with ease and blows everyone away.
You can tell even Bona didn’t expect such a young bassist to be this gifted—the entire time, Hodek matches the world-renowned bassist chord for chord and the crowd loves it!
With a huge grin on his face, Hodek plays complex riffs that would be hard for most bassists to manage.
About 3:30 into the video, the camera zooms in on Hodek as he turns things up a notch. Before long, the eight-year-old plays a flurry of notes with Bona watching in surprise.
Bouncing off of each other’s energy, they come up with an extremely smooth melody with experienced guitarist Ciro Manna also backing them up for some extra flair.
Toward the end of the video, the three musicians play outstanding funky tunes and Manna breaks out a sensational guitar solo.
All the onlookers are mesmerized, and you could hear a pin drop as they focus on the talented performance unfolding in real-time. Bona, Hodek and Manna all vibe off of one another, becoming entranced by the music!
You can easily tell that all three are masters of their instruments, as they flawlessly maneuver an impromptu performance that seems more like a planned live show.
It’s easy to see why Bona is a Grammy-winning bassist, but it’s also clear that Hodek is well on his way as well.
All the way through the stunning improvised musical display, the trio put on a fabulous show that keeps the audience entertained the whole time. You can hear the crowd clapping and laughing loudly as it comes to an end.
People on the internet loved the adorable eight-year-old—and any time a kid has this much talent it’s bound to go viral! Millions of people watched the clip of these two putting on a bass-clinic.
Over 6.2 million people viewed Hodek and Bona performing together onstage.
More than 56,000 also liked the heartwarming video and thousands left comments for the musicians.
“I love this little rascal!! And he actually has a great swing to his playing style. A few more years of listening to amazing players, and learning his craft, this kid’s gonna be well known. I admire young talent. God gave you this gift kid.” Said one YouTube viewer.
“Just an awesome, happy video, music spans the years, a stage full of happiness, amazing jam session, well done Aaron and respect to Richard and the band, I just love this.” Said another YouTuber.
What a wonderful video, it shows us how universal music is no matter what differences you have. To see the young prodigy in action, watch the video below!
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