Work can get challenging and stressful at times. That’s why it’s so great to work in a place with colleagues who know how to let loose and have some fun once in a while. Check out this collection of photos with hilarious and crazy scenarios that could easily have been taken straight out of ‘The Office.’
#1 Surprise Nick Cage
The owner of this computer just stepped out for a few minutes, but it was already enough time for his colleagues to pull off this home screen prank. We bet they got a mini heart attack seeing their cracked screen with a grinning Nicolas Cage inside.

dezznuttz via Reddit
#2 Just a prank
Some office pranks are low effort. This one is certainly not one of them. We could imagine how frustrating taking this down would be, but you have to commend the labor that went into making it happen.

Nooschwander via Reddit
#3 Time for the burial
There are times when the cleaning crew misses some messes. But this person was just so fed up with them not vacuuming this dead cockroach that they decided to let off some steam with this passive-aggressive gesture. After a month, the deceased pest can finally RIP.

Jokulgoblin via Reddit
#4 Lucky Dave
Dave 1 was probably certain this would work in his favor. Nuh-uh. Dave 2 won’t let that happen. Hopefully, there are no more Daves in the office.

Kitteh666 via Imgur
#5 Crafty office thief
Now, that’s one crafty thief. It’s just that things would’ve probably worked out better if they put the same effort in making this replica into actually replacing the drink they stole.

chrishatcher1 via Reddit
#6 One large present
Sarah is so good at her job she’s practically a gift for her coworkers. What better way to get this message across than turning her cubicle into one giant present?

Tulio Bertorini via Flickr
#7 An up to date upgrade
The owner of this desk just went on vacation, and their coworkers have taken it upon themselves to ‘upgrade’ their desktop. Getting this bad boy probably took some convincing and bribing of the IT department.

omgwtf56k via Reddit
#8 Waiting for the Brave One
Are you brave enough to open this cup? The poor insect’s probably been in there for a long while, just waiting for its demise.

#9 Increasing capacity
Sometimes interrupting important work to do menial stuff like throwing out a full trash bin disrupts one’s productivity. This is a good solution for that.

kopo27 via Reddit
#10 The perfect prank
This office worker’s boss was known for being self-absorbed. This is the office’s response.

shock6906 via Reddit
#11 The anti-spoiler
Ah, gone are the days when offices around the world would turn into spoiler minefields every Monday morning right after a new episode of Game of Thrones aired. Here’s to hoping another good series comes along to bring back the tradition.

JustCosmo via Reddit
#12 RIP lucky cat
Hopefully, the owner of this Chinese lucky cat isn’t too superstitious. Hey, at least they got a pretty cool apology cake out of an unfortunate situation.

Lareous via Reddit
#13 Thinking ahead
Going from a desk job to making complicated parkour moves in a matter of minutes isn’t bound to end well. So, you really can’t blame this person for being realistic.

Begna112 via Reddit
#14 Office makeover
Imagine falling asleep at your desk only to wake up thinking you’re back in your bathroom at home. That’s possibly the intention of this very elaborate work prank.

whiterice07 via Reddit
#15 RIP in Peace
RIP Mikey Davis. The office will certainly miss you and thank you for your service.

0Ps_Mom via Reddit
#16 Last hurrah
He used his last day at work well. After printing out pictures of himself, he proceeded to hide his face all over the office.

rootyb via Reddit
#17 Low morale
The team’s probably running behind on a tight schedule and are feeling pretty low. They didn’t shy away from expressing their mood.

ToastGhost18 via Reddit
#18 Snack roulette
This office worker sure knew what they were doing when they volunteered to bring snacks for the office potluck. You bet they had fun watching their colleagues’ faces after dunking their hands into this taste bud roulette.

Logan_five via Reddit
#19 Slow day at work
When it’s a slow day at work, there’s nothing quite like starting a slingshot war with your desk seatmate. Nobody’s too old for some good old fun.

j0be via Reddit
#20 One way out
This is what happens when your boss gets locked in their office. Now, we’re pretty sure that’s something Michael Scott would’ve done.

thowitawaypeese via Reddit
#21 Natural anti-virus
Imagine if this sarcastic note actually worked and someone really did use an onion slice on their computer. That’s when you know it’s probably time to suggest a tech workshop.

KennyKoolaid via Reddit
#22 ‘Winning’ the bet
This is how one office worker found out that their boss is a sore loser. After they won a bet against him, the boss paid them this way.

thenation7 via Reddit
#23 A classic trick
Sure, you can get creative with your office pranks, but you can also rely on classics like this one. Low-effort and high-reward are how to go.

pivottofakie via Reddit
#24 New office clock
It looks like this office was transported back in time, judging from their new wall clock. This is probably the cheapest one management got their hands on.

StaplePaper via Reddit
#25 The ultimate passive aggressive move
Their coworker just answered this passive-aggressive note with the same energy. And the newsroom stayed smelling like ketchup to everyone else’s dismay.

Brodoor via Reddit
#26 Straight out of ‘The Office’
There are days when the whole team just says screw it. This is one of them, and it looks like everyone’s having a grand old time.

travelator via Reddit
#27 The box of shame
In this office, there’s a punishment for being unfunny or asking stupid questions. Guess whose joke didn’t fly?

kingofthekongo via Imgur
#28 Seeing double
Two employees decided to prank their colleague by recreating his desk pictures and replacing the originals. It worked, and it took him more than an hour to tell something was up.

FuManHu via Reddit
#29 New member of the staff
April Fool’s Day at this office is a free for all affair. So, we bet their new foreign hire will fit it just fine. He looks like he already does.

blumpkin_connoisseur via Reddit
#30 Paying the price
The IT department at this employee’s job has a wicked sense of humor. This is what they gave him after he broke his work computer.

sacpike via Reddit
#31 A standing desk
So, this guy just heard about the wonderful benefits of having a standing desk at work. The one he already was too low, and he found a way around the dilemma.

tsaven via Reddit
#32 Best birthday ever
It’s the company president’s birthday, and he’ll have some fun if he wants to! Aww, even the toughest bosses are just little kids inside.

CivilRiceOnionRing via Reddit
#33 Lololololol
Here’s another way the IT department messes with clumsy employees who just kept breaking stuff. Have fun writing a report using this keyboard.

partumvir via Reddit
#34 Saving the company
You know the company’s in serious trouble when the board needs help from the Power Rangers to fix things. Here’s to hoping they saved the day like they always do.

nectarprotector via Reddit
#35 Halloween at the office
The workplace is just like high school. Some kids are just cooler and more popular than others. And in this office, this employee’s dad is that guy. His coworkers even dressed up like him on Halloween.

reeker via Reddit
#36 This department kicks butt
Who says anthropologists are boring? Well, they were clearly lying judging from this hilarious display at one anthropology department.

LastOneStanding via Reddit
#37 Too much time on his hands
Paul was clearly having a bad day and couldn’t focus on his actual work. That doesn’t mean that he accomplished nothing all day.
Lolo4369 via Reddit
#38 Font matters
One can be passive-aggressive all they want as long as they don’t use cheesy fonts while doing so. This is a Fortune 500 company, for god’s sake.

nomdeweb via Reddit
#39 Badge of shame
Here’s a reason to be diligent when it comes to your work ID. You don’t want to wear this badge of shame at the office all day like a disgraced five-year-old kid now, do you?

FlyingOstrich69 via Reddit
#40 Hey, if it works…
We have no doubt that this DIY detector kind of works. It’s just that if the earthquake is strong enough to jiggle these googly eyes, then it’s also strong enough to be felt by everyone.

Fixthe-Fernback via Reddit
#41 Getting a ticket
Now, this is one cool way to tell someone off without confrontation. This employee found a ticket after leaving a toy car as a decoration at work. Somebody wanted it gone, clearly.

Win_in_Roam via Reddit
#42 There’s no winning
Imagine how many people were left disappointed after getting hyped for donuts only to see this veggie platter. Hey, at least it’s way healthier.

notp via Imgur
#43 Here comes the bride
This one’s such a thoughtful gesture. Apparently, one of the project managers was getting hitched, so they gave her this cool wedding veil hard hat.

Ihavenocomments via Reddit
#44 Friend-zoned again
This poor guy is so bad at dating that even the food at work friend-zoned him. Luckily, he seems to have a great sense of humor.

jcravenw via Reddit
#45 Ben’s special place
These coworkers decided to rename the men’s bathroom at work since they only have one male colleague. We bet Ben was feeling extra special that day.

michellenicolell via Reddit
#46 Some safety precautions
Making fun of tech guy stereotypes, these programmers had some helpful reminders for people that may come by their workspace. It would be a sight to behold should anyone follow their guidelines to a tee.

moejike via Reddit
#47 Perfect costumes
Guess which research department donned these inflatable dinosaur costumes? Yup, it’s the paleontology department.

theone1221 via Reddit
#48 Getting into the festive spirit
This guy was probably feeling extra fly wearing this festive suit to the Christmas party. Too bad he didn’t get the memo that corporate was also invited for the festivities.

alien005 via Reddit
#49 A bad case of stress eating?
Are you brave enough to confront your boss after you catch him eating that pecan pie you brought to work? Looking at that empty plate, letting things slide is probably the better choice. He’s probably just stress eating.

Ciclismo4185 via Reddit
#50 At least they tried
The office wanted to be greener. Uhmm…It’s definitely still struggling with the concept.

inventedthemop via Reddit
#51 Extended holiday
One of the employees at this office just went away for an English holiday. They’ll be pleased that England came back home with them.

BOOMTimebomb via Reddit
#52 Coolest guy around
IT people are probably the coolest bunch at any workplace. Case in point is this guy who isn’t afraid to make a fashion statement even at work.

eL_HaXo via Reddit
#53 Mutants only
It looks like the office has got some X-Men fans. We have to admit this simple edit is pretty witty and funny.

Dmaggi727 via Reddit
#54 Trust test
Someone was feeling generous and mischievous at the same time on April 1st. All the donuts are perfectly fine, but their colleagues might need a lot of convincing given the occasion.

Bpesca via Reddit
#55 No experiments
When you work in a lab, you have to be careful at all times.You never know. One of your colleagues might have heated up some of their specimens in the office kitchen microwave.

mrfahrenheit94 via Reddit
#56 Debbie needs to be stopped
Debbie clearly has a huge problem with stealing other people’s food. It’s gotten so bad that this is how the work fridge looks now.

johnny0 via Reddit
#57 24/7 consultation hours
Hey, being an academic is no easy job, alright! This professor can’t be in his office at all times, so he had a lifesize poster of him put up on his door.

Among_thieves via Reddit
#58 Open for donations
Sometimes, you just have to look at the bright side of things, huh? But yeah, no. We’re probably not going to throw cash at a defective vending machine.

connor54 via Reddit
#59 The boss baby
The boss brought their kid to work that day. The office seems to be a bit cheerier.

kaleidospiral via Reddit
#60 Safe work environment
This is a luxury that not every office has. So, enjoy a perfectly safe workspace.

deskwarrior via Reddit
#61 An office with a view
So, they weren’t joking when they told this employee that the office windows had a nice view of the nearby Hudson River. We hope they got a cubicle by the windows.

probably_not_serious via Reddit
#62 You never know
Someone put their hard drive in the fridge to cool it off. But before leaving it there, they exercised some precaution and left this note as well.

henleyjohn via Reddit
#63 Birthday boy
Can you guess whose birthday it is? Too bad, he doesn’t seem to be too enthusiastic about his new cubicle decor.

CarlosValdosta via Reddit
#64 Just a bite
This is what your box of donuts will look like at the end of the day when you work with dieting colleagues. Can’t ruin a diet by eating a whole donut, right?

nthensome via Reddit
#65 Guess where he works at
Can you guess what kind of company this employee works for? Here’s a clue: that’s the company’s product that they used to wrap his cubicle with.

Kyle Adams via Flickr
#66 If you look closer
How long will it take the entire office to notice? Can’t really say, huh? Keanu really looks like he belongs.

Cap_N_Crunch via Reddit
#67 Work smart, not hard
This employee covered his door with a lifelike poster of him inside working. Now, he can ‘work overtime’ while also enjoying drinks with friends after work.

ImNotGoodAtInternets via Reddit
#68 Feeling included
This employee was the only Jewish person at work. But that didn’t stop their colleagues from making them feel included in the holiday festivities.

LouGoyle via Reddit
#69 Office garden
We wonder how long their grass will stay green with only the fluorescent bulbs as a light source.

foghorn via Imgur
#70 Motivational poster
Remember, if Britney could survive 2007, you can get through anything, too. Now, that’s one truly motivational poster.

alexthesock via Reddit
#71 Last resort
JC has clearly gotten tired of people stealing his stuff. Now, he has resorted to locking up his food to deter food thieves.

cake_architect via Reddit
#72 Works every time
Here’s another easy and classic prank you can easily pull off at the office. See how long before your coworker starts raging about their errant mouse.

itsfoine via Reddit
#73 Incompatible devices
This is what happens when you try to photocopy something that’s on your iPad. It seems like a good idea, right? Wrong.

babyinthebathwater via Reddit
#74 Just do it!
The office just got new mousepads. They’re pretty motivating.

shentheory via Reddit
#75 Best coffee flavor
Looks like someone’s looking to hog the coffee machine for themselves. Won’t work, though. You never know, there might be people out there who are actually curious enough to test what ranch coffee would taste like.

FranksRumHam via Reddit
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