71-year-old man ends 2600 mile Pacific Crest Trail hike by breaking into beautiful song
He walked every step of the way. Something only 14% of the Pacific Crest Trail visitors have ever done.
Jessica Adler

Meet Pa’at, a 71-year-old man who recently accomplished an extraordinary feat.

He hiked the entire length of the Pacific Crest Trail, a grueling journey that stretches from the Mexican border in Southern California to the Canadian border with the state of Washington.

This trail, spanning a total of 2,650 miles through California, Oregon, and Washington, is known for its challenging altitude changes and unpredictable weather conditions.

Pa’at hiked every step of the way.

Instagram - humping_north
Instagram - humping_north

Many of us might find a 15-minute workout daunting, but Pa’at has shown that age is no barrier to achieving incredible physical feats.

His journey was documented by Instagram users Auti and Chris (@humping_north), who encountered Pa’at during their own hike.

They shared his inspiring journey, capturing his joy and heartfelt emotions as he reached the trail’s end.

What better way to celebrate such a magnificent moment than with song?

Instagram - humping_north
Instagram - humping_north

The Pacific Crest Trail is not for the faint of heart.

According to The Wall Street Journal, only about 14% of people who attempt the trail succeed in finishing the hike.

So, when Pa’at, with his white beard and twinkling eyes, reached the trail-end marker, it was a moment of pure triumph.

He touched the marker with reverence and broke into a spontaneous song, expressing his joy and amazement at his accomplishment.

Instagram - humping_north
Instagram - humping_north

The song he sang was a poignant reflection of his journey.

“I’ve been waiting… such a long time. Walking such a long way. Such a long way… just to be here, just to be here. Across deserts. I walked through rivers, I climbed mountains, just to see you. Just to see you. I’ve been waiting. Such a long time.”

Instagram - humping_north
Instagram - humping_north

Auti and Chris described Pa’at as someone with whom you instantly feel a connection.

Despite only meeting him 80 miles from the northern terminus, they felt as though they had known him for a lifetime.

They praised his heart of gold, his kind soul, and his unmatched optimism and fortitude.

They thanked him for being such an inspiration.

Instagram - humping_north
Instagram - humping_north

The video of Pa’at’s accomplishment has since gone viral, amassing over 600,000 views and thousands of comments.

It’s been widely shared across social media platforms, with many expressing their admiration and inspiration from Pa’at’s feat.

Not to mention that his voice has a weary, heartfelt quality to it that’s instantly endearing.

Instagram - humping_north
Instagram - humping_north

Reddit user r/NihilisticPollyanna commented, “I would look worse if I drove 4000km in my car, and I’m in my 40s. Hiking is a pretty solid workout, and this has huge changes in elevation and terrain, not to mention the weather, and less than ideal sleeping conditions. This guy is tough as nails!”

All in all, Pa’at does look incredible for someone who’s just trekked such a long journey.

Instagram - humping_north
Instagram - humping_north

Another Reddit user, r/VerifiedPanda, highlighted the impressive elevation change of the trail.

It is the equivalent of ascending and descending Mount Everest 9 times via a handicap ramp.

Meanwhile, Instagram user @bi11ie expressed a desire to know more about Pa’at’s life story, stating, “Would love to know his life story. I know he has amazing stories. 71!”

Instagram - humping_north
Instagram - humping_north

The final word goes to @marlayneboblett, who perfectly summed up the sentiment of many: “Awesome accomplishment. His song fits beautifully. Congratulations!”

Indeed, Pa’at’s journey and his song are a testament to the human spirit’s resilience and the power of perseverance, no matter one’s age.

See Pa’at burst into song as he’s inspired by the beautiful sight he’s been hiking for in the video below!

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