Sometimes remarkable talent and ingenuity can come from all sorts of places.
Talent can come from places you least expect, a small town basketball court or a buskable street corner.
Sometimes however, talent can be found right where you would hope to find it:
In a talent show at an elementary school. And really, it’s the perfect place to hone and develop those talents.
Kids are ripe with them!

But I say hope, because all too often watching school talent shows can be a test of psychological endurance.
How many shaky-voiced covers of Adele can one stand before losing one’s mind?
They certainly make for memories, but not always do they rate high on quality of entertainment.
But just wait for the treat you are about to get below!

Thankfully though, there are two girls who have enough talent to go around!

These two ingenious girls put on this amazing performance for their fifth grade talent show.
Part dance, part puppet-show, part clowning, they use baby onesies with strings attaching the feet to their elbows.
This allows them to dance with their comparatively (and hilariously) long arms, and the feet move along with their broader gestures.
The result: Hilarity.

Their performance begins with a classic song for physical humour: “Kung Fu Fighting” by Carl Douglas.
They provide the expected karate chop moves which begins the audience’s journey to laughter town.
When they begin Pharrell’s “Happy” the silliness is just too much for the chuckling crowd.

Of course it wouldn’t be a humorous dance performance if they didn’t throw in a little of Psy’s “Gangnam Style” for good measure!
All the moves of Gangnam are there, and made even more funny by the ridiculous puppet costumes.
The resulting illusion is to make the girls seem almost monkey-like.

And nothing says effective like a giggling, approving audience.
Did they win the crowd?
You bet! And as most performers know, that is the first challenge on stage.

And in the same vein, you can’t perform a dance routine without throwing in a little Queen B!
What are you going to do, NOT dance to Beyonce’s “Single Ladies”?
As with their Gangnam segment, they know all the moves, although let’s just say their hilarious staging and costumes have certain… limitations.
Regardless, seeing this version of the iconic dance routine is unbeatable in humor.

But then they stop…grab some sun glasses… and get ready for the next song.
Soulja Boy I Told Ya! They crank out all the best moves for Soulja Boy’s “Tell’em”. You know the one:
Yeah that’s the one. Which other song would it be?
These girls have the uncanny ability to chose the funniest songs to dance to.
They even get the chance to take a leaf out of Jay-Z’s book and get that dirt off their shoulders!

And when the big YOOOUUUU comes in Soulja Boy’s song, the versatility of their amazing prop/costume/puppets really comes into play.
Swinging their whole “bodies”, to the side, really showcasing the full scope of possibilities for such a fun performance idea.
Who knew Soulja Boy’s hit would have drawn so many laughs?
Emily Sideris loved it! She says,
“This I the cutest thing ever !! Way to go kids 👏🙌🔥”

These girls have a bright future in comedy and performance ahead of them!
They seem to be able to speak the language of comedy fluently, and it’s clear that they have enough talent to carry them from a fifth grade talent show, to wherever they wish to fly in the world of performance.
Stay tuned for these two, I suspect they’re destined for great things.
I mean to be able to sit down and come up with this creative act?
These girls have the minds for it.

Says a viewer.
Those smiles are priceless. You can tell that they were really having fun during this performance. Nothing says fun like a huge grin while pulling off an entertaining act. In fact, they were so good, so many others began to copy their act!
Watch the full video below to enjoy this fantastic duo’s incredible talent-full show!
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