In this day and age where flawless and perfectly photo-shopped images of women are the norm, it becomes hard for a woman to accept her real-life bodies. The line between real and photoshopped images becomes blurred that imperfections such as stretch marks, body hair, scars, beauty marks, and excess skin are seen as a nuisance that must be covered.

Luckily, there are other women like Cinta Tort Cartró, who don’t accept the standard of perfection if it doesn’t show the realness of a woman’s body and experience.

She stated that all bodies are beautiful:

“Every one of us is different and, at the same time, every body has one form or another and has its own essence and energy. There are many types of bodies, the same way there are many different kinds of stretch marks,” reads her Instagram (written in Spanish).

“Painting Yacine, Monica, and Roser, I observed their skin in great detail; the delicacy that existed in each of the women, the time, beauty, and essence that each of them had hidden. There are people with more stretch marks and fewer stretch marks; people with thicker and thinner stretch marks; people with darker or lighter marks; and in this, in the diversity, there is richness.”

Using their creativity, they created 58 ways to transform body imperfections into works of art.