Being a celebrity has its perks, but it’s not without its shortcomings. One of those is that privacy is a lot harder to come by with so many people following your every move. One little slip up, and millions will notice. So when these celebs committed a few oopsies on social media, you bet everyone remembered. So here’s 38 of them.
Chrissy Teigen accidentally tweets her email address, gets immediately facetimed by fans.

Teigen was worried she’d get sent some inappropriate stuff when she accidentally revealed her personal contact details online. Thankfully, her fans are not those kinds of people and were very sweet to her on Facetime.
And then she accidentally spoiled The Voice.
Marking the second time she messed up on social media, Teigen accidentally spoiled The Voice for its viewers after she revealed that the winner was someone on her husband’s team. Oops. Well, that’s what happens when John Legend is your husband, I guess.
Kim Kardashian misspells Giorgio Armani’s name.
Making fun of Kardashians is low-hanging fruit, but we can’t help it with how often they get themselves into situations like this. Kim found herself in a rather embarrassing situation when she showed that she couldn’t spell Giorgio Armani’s name right.
When Kim also flexed an expensive island party while everyone was dealing with COVID lockdown.
This one proved really unpopular with people, and just rubbed everyone off as the rich showing how tactless they can be – and I can’t blame people for getting upset. Read the room, Kim.
When Jonathan Cheban thought people wanted to see him go live, and found out they didn’t like him.
Jonathan Cheban thinks a bit too much of himself, and it showed when he thought people would say “yes” to his offer to go live on IG. Talk about a rude awakening.
When Mia Farrow didn’t have a picture of her own daughter.
Farrow has adopted quite a few children, but apparently doesn’t photograph them much. For her daughter’s 21st birthday, she was caught having to Google “Mia Farrow and her black children” to even find a picture to go with the post.
Piers Morgan’s bafflingly tactless “tribute” to Larry King.
I think Piers missed the memo on how to write a tribute, because this one did not sit right with people – and for good reason.
Scott Disick copy-pasting the caption from a marketing team.
This is why you proofread stuff before you post it. Disick was asked to promote a line of protein shakes, and got caught copying and pasting the caption that the marketing email sent him. Whoops.
When Bow Wow got caught pretending to have a private jet.
Flexing your wealth is pretty lame already. Flexing your nonexistent wealth, however, is a new low and I’m not sure how I’d recover from that.
When Susan Boyle started the most unfortunate hashtag.
Boyle wanted to promote an album, and thought a hashtag trend would do the trick. So she tagged some tweets with “#susanalbumparty”, and I’ll let you read that slowly.
Ed Balls tried to Google himself.
Some people are just technologically inept, and poor Ed Balls here proved that when he tried to search himself on Google and tweeted it by accident. What exactly was he trying to find?
Katy Perry falling for a fake quarantine video of Italians singing her song.
During lockdown, a viral video went around of Italian citizens in their home “singing” along to popular songs, with the songs being simply edited onto the video. Some celebs like Katy Perry were fooled by the video, and it was pretty funny.
Madonna fell for it too.
Katy wasn’t alone in letting the video bamboozle her. Other celebs like Shawn Mendes and Madonna fell for it too, and people made fun of all 3 of them for being so gullible.
Rita Ora claiming she was hacked after not getting the engagement she wanted.
You’ve got to promote your music somehow, and Rita Ora tried to do it with a retweet quota she imposed on her fans. When she didn’t get the numbers she wanted, well, she pulled this.
Adam Levine mistakenly claiming that “This Is America” didn’t get nominated.
When Childish Gambino dropped a political statement of a song in 2018, it naturally got a lot of people talking. Adam Levine was one of those people, and he mistakenly claimed that the song got snubbed of a nomination. At least he owned up to his mistake, unlike the others on this list, and apologized for the blunder.
Senator Ted Cruz likes a naughty tweet
Ted Cruz, or whoever runs his account for him, forgot that likes were public and accidentally liked some….inappropriate material on main. Well, you know what they say: you got caught in 4k.
Oprah Winfrey hit send too early.
We’ve all had moments where we hit send too early, but that only happens between friends and family members. Oprah is one of the most famous women in the world, and so people never forgot when she made that mistake. Even funnier is that she didn’t even delete it.
Martha Stewart too.
Another one for the “hit send too early” gang here. Martha Stewart had some opinions about oil. If only she could finish them.
Courtney Love thinking she might have found the lost Malaysian flight.
Bebe Rexha forgot what was happening in Paris in the 1940’s.
When posed the question where she’d go if she could time travel, Rexha somewhat enthusiastically answered “Paris in the 1940s.” I would advise against that considering it was occupied by the Nazis in the 1940’s.
Gina Rodriguez’ rather tactless response to a fan.
A fan reached out to Rodriguez asking if she’d be willing to lend a financial helping hand for someone’s tuition – especially since they were also Latina. In response, Rodriguez said, “Have you looked into the Hispanic Scholarship Fund? There are a few places to look for help mama lets research.” She got made fun of for this, as you can guess.
Khloe not getting it.
When a fan told Khloe Kardashian that she had to work 20 hours to even afford Khloe’s jeans, the Kardashian took this as a sweet compliment of her jeans and said this. It was another case of the wealthy being really out of touch, and she got some (probably deserved) backlash for it.
Lorde accidentally makes a poor-taste Whitney Houson post.
A couple years back, Lorde shared a photo of her chilling in the bathtub and captioned it with a Whitney Houston lyric. Evidently, she didn’t think this through because Houston and her daughter both died in the bathtub – and comments quickly brought this to her attention.
Demi Lovato forgetting what day of September it was.
In 2015, Demi Lovato proudly Tweeted “About to put this airline on BLAST” and forgot it as September 11. Yeah, ouch. She apologized for the unintentionally insensitive tweet.
Lindsay Lohan wishing John McCain to “feel better” after he passed.
When John McCain, former U.S. Senator and presidential candidate, passed away, Lindsay Lohan thought it’d be a nice time to say some words. And those words “RIP John McCain feel better XOXO.”
Kirstie Alley’s “tribute” to Stephen Hawking
When the great physicist died, people had loads to say about his lifework and research. Kirstie Alley, though, had a bizarre message for him that simply read “You had a good go at it..thanks for your input.”
Alec Baldwin not realizing he’s the last person who should be posting about this.
In 2021, Alec Baldwin unknowingly fired a live round from a revolver that he presumed was a prop while filming a movie. The shot killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and injured the director. Baldwin was heavily criticized for causing the death of a set member, and it seems like he wasn’t criticized enough.
Heather Morris’ performative BLM post.
In the wake of George Floyd’s murder and the ensuing BLM protests, Glee Star Heather Morris wanted to be of help. So she choreographed a dance in “tribute” to George Floyd, but the video opened with a solid 20-30 seconds of her staring at the camera with tears on her face. It was, as people say, “cringe” and performative.
Lili Reinhart doing something similar, but a lot worse.
Reinhart made the mistake of using a thirst-trap to try and raise awareness for the murder of Breonna Taylor. She posted a photo saying “Now that my sideboob has gotten your attention, Breonna Taylor’s murderers have not been arrested. Demand justice.” This was pretty tone-deaf, and she posted a sincere apology afterward.
Mark Ruffalo being a bit confused but he’s got the spirit.
I’m sure Mark Ruffalo meant this in good faith as a praise to the black woman he met, but his phrasing was a little….awkward.
Vanessa Hudgens saying people dying from COVID would be “inevitable.”
Lockdown in 2020 showed us how many people weren’t as considerate, but seeing celebrities show their selfish side was the real kicker. Like when Vanessa Hudgens posted “Like yeah, people are going to die, which is terrible…but inevitable?” as a reason for not respecting lockdown restrictions.
Kristy Swanson arguing in favor of building Trump’s wall because her nephew “died 3 times”.
When asked how someone could die 3 times, Swanson then replied with this “not answering the question” response that read “I am not a perfect writer, so you jump all over me? Chris approved the tweet. So….”.
Annalynne McCorde trying to help the Ukrainian effort by saying she wishes she was Putin’s mom.
The American actress posted a video to Instagram apologizing to Putin for “not being his mother” because otherwise he “would have been loved” and none of this would have happened. No doubt an absolutely baffling and kinda narcissistic way to do activism, no?
The Weeknd’s scheduled tweet having the most unfortunate timing.
When the Weeknd excitedly tweeted “LET’S GOOOO” to announce some hype news, it unfortunately coincided with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He ended up looking like he was cheering them on, which he clarified was not the case.
Collen Balinger’s disastrous ukulele “apology”.
When she was faced with allegations of inappropriate relationships with minors, her management told her not to say a word about it publicly. She tried to be clever and thought “well, they didn’t say anything about singing”, and posted this video singing a non-apology about the situation and calling the allegations lies. It was a disaster and she was roasted nonstop for it.
Lana Del Rey
Lana Del Rey posted this long statement about how differently her image is perceived compared to more flamboyant and flashy performers who sing about the same subjects. It didn’t sit right with people, but in fairness to Lana, we do see her point. She sings about the same subjects, but something about her image as a white woman and the somber nature of her songs invites people to interpret things much differently.
Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift’s misunderstanding on Twitter.
“When the ‘other’ girls drop a video that breaks records and impacts culture they get that nomination….if your video celebrates women with very slim bodies, you will be nominated for vid of the year.” Minaj Tweeted. Taylor Swift mistook this as a jab at her Bad Blood video, and responded “I’ve done nothing but love & support you. It’s unlike you to pit women against each other. Maybe one of the men took your slot.” Minaj clarified it was not directed at her, and said “Huh? U must not be reading my tweets. Didn’t say a word about u. I love u just as much. But u should speak on this.”
Gal Gadot’s “Imagine” video which we all remember quite fondly.
It’s been 4 years, and we still can’t stop making fun of Gal Gadot’s infamous “Imagine” video. The Wonder Woman star really thought that a bunch of celebrities singing to us would make us feel better about a deadly global pandemic and the loss of our jobs and social lives. It opened up a conversation about how out-of-touch and tone-deaf the rich and famous are to the plights of the working class, and it even got made fun of in The Boys.
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