Christians who know the bible will remember Matthew 19:14 it says, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Which means that children truly are special. If they are so precious to us, imagine what they must be in the eyes of heaven.
Christians are all too familiar with the teaching of God’s love.

So what happens when a child sings to God?
This video shows a 4-year-old girl named Hayley Jones taking the stage of the church she attends to sing “Jesus at the center of it all”.
It could have been any worship song since the significance is the same.
A beautiful child singing her heart out for her God. Christians are called to come together, usually on Sundays, to worship.

Start them young.
This is House of Bread Church. And like most Christian churches, there is always a time for music.
And that’s regardless of whether life is working out for them or not.

See, that’s the whole point of this song.
Christians are to put God in the center of their lives. With Him at the center, life doesn’t seem quite so hard.

Hayley sings the beautiful lyrics,
“Nothing else matters, nothing in this world will do. Jesus You’re the center, and everything revolves around you. So Jesus be the center of my life, Jesus be the center of my life. From beginning to the end it will always be, it’s always been You Jesus, Oh Jesus.”

This is a child leading the congregation in worship.
Normally, it’s a pastor or an adult in charge of the band.
But this adorable little girl was brave enough to take to the stage and sing, leading everybody else in a song of adoration.

Nothing beats a child’s innocence.
A child reminds us to keep life simple and remember what’s most important.
She must have amazing parents to have influenced her to sing for the church.

A fellow Christian viewer had this to say of Hayley,
“Awesome! He has ordained praise from the mouths of infants and children. May His name be praised gloriously! Thanks Harley. God will bless you abundantly.”

Hayleye had a lot of adults as back up singers too, but really you would focus on this little angel who just sang her heart out along with the men and women behind her.
Hayley showered the church with blessings and graces that day. And surely He is at the center of her life.
Watch and listen to Hayley’s touching worship below!
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