We’ve all been there: it’s a rainy Sunday afternoon, and you and your friends are bored silly. So when someone suggests making up a dance routine, you think to yourself: what’s the worst that could happen?
Of course, when that video lands on YouTube and ends up going viral, an achievement which you were once proud of can turn into a huge source of embarrassment in your adult life- as well as being something which will almost certainly get played at your wedding.
But embarrassing or not, there’s something unexplainably sweet about childhood dance routines, and we think we’ve found our favorite one.

Titled, “Middleschoolers Dancing to One Direction,” this dance routine was posted onto YouTube by sister Annie Arvidson, and it soon received over 29.8 thousand views from people all over the world.
The dance group consists of three brothers and one cousin, and features choreography courtesy of Just Dance 4 Wii. (remember those days?) The boys pick the oh-so-popular “That’s What Makes You Beautiful” by One Direction to bust their moves to, and we think they’re off to a strong start.

As the music begins, each boy takes his place in a line with one hand placed sassily on his hips. They then drop their heads into the infamous dab, before the beat drops and they really get their groove on.
We’re only 13 seconds in, and we’re already feeling the joy!
Middle school is a tough age, and although the boys appear to be a little shy, we love the fact that they had the courage to step up and perform their dance in front of a camera.

The boys take the song’s lyrics and work their dance moves around them- even putting their hands over their hearts at the appropriate time! There are lots of heads banging, arms flailing and hands pointing, and these boys really make sure that they’re bringing the ‘show’ to ‘showbiz.’
Our absolute favorite performer has to be the little boy with the glasses. He has a truly infectious smile on his face throughout the whole performance, and you can tell just how much he’s enjoying himself.

At the end of the day, that’s all it comes down to, really.
You don’t have to be an awesome dancer to be entertaining. As long as the audience can see that you’re enjoying yourself, then the performance becomes a truly joyful one.
The stamina of four pre-teen boys gets them through right to the end of the song, and they don’t even seem to be out of breath in the slightest.

They end the dance with some super-cool poses and four cheesy grins, and we feel truly uplifted after watching their impromptu performance.
The boys are probably all around 18-20 years old now, and although they might regret sharing their dance onto YouTube, there’s no denying that they gave over 29,000 people a good bit of entertainment.

To watch their fabulous dance routine for yourself, scroll to the video below.
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