When you think of the phrase “little drummer boy”, you may envision the classic Christmas song about a young boy who, according to the story has nothing to bring the newly born Jesus, so instead plays his drum. Needless to say, it was a big hit and Baby Jesus was content with the gift replacement. But is this the best result possible to the question:
“What is the best possible example of Little Drummer Boy?”

And if you’re familiar with this song but think you know a better example of the phrase Little Drummer Boy, you may be thinking about this classic video, in which David Bowie and Bing Crosby sing the song along with compelling drama and witty banter. This is my favorite Christmas video of all time and you can read all about it at the link above once you’ve seen this amazing video.

There is, of course, a third option but could this be the best one?
A literal Little Drummer Boy?
Yes, that’s gotta be it! After all, isn’t a real life little drummer boy playing the drums amazingly better than a song about a child who didn’t even have the forethought to buy a Christmas gift for the guy that Christmas is about? It surely is.
I present to you, this video of an adorable little kid who is an expert on the skins.

He may be wearing a cute little Santa hat, and he may be playing to a Christmas crowd, but he is not simply playing another Christmas carol. He’s rocking a little harder around the Christmas tree this year.
He’s playing Joan Jett & The Blackhearts’ song “I Hate Myself For Loving You”.
Now that’s how you put the rock into jingle bell rock!

This kid is a powerhouse! You can see how this humble video has gotten nearly 3 million views.
He may be cute, but this little guy is here to rock. He has got some serious skills, and I have to wonder how old he was when he started if he’s this good at such a young age. I wonder if he kicked rhythmically in the womb and his parents decided they’d better get him a drum set when he’s born?

Even when he messes up, he keeps his cool!
Only in one instance does he drop one of his drums sticks, but he does not stop. In fact, he just keeps going with a cheeky little grin. He’s such a little charmer that you’d hardly ever notice. What is obvious, is that this little guy LOVES drumming. He is having the time of his life!

His parents must be so proud to have such a talented child. I also have to wonder if they have any neighbors because this wee dude must be practicing a lot. I imagine the whole family walking around with earmuffs while their son bangs on like Phil Collins. Evidence of their pride can be felt in the video, and when the big finish comes you can hear them behind the camera cheering their talented son on.
Watch the full video below to be stunned by this real little drummer boy
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