Ailismae Millar was a YouTube superstar before she even won her first Irish dance competition.
While her mom no longer uploads videos of her to YouTube anymore, you can see her very first Irish dance recital at age 2 here!
By age 3 – in 2011 – she already had a viral video that has now been viewed over 4.6 million times! It was her very first feis (which is an Irish dance competition) in which she wore a traditional dress. And boy is she cute!

Dance prodigy
But the video went viral primarily for her talent, especially at such a young age.
“I’m a world champion and when I entered my first competition I wasn’t even that good, well done,” marveled one commenter.

Of course, in a recital full of 3-year-olds you can’t expect too much – and there is a bit of chaos going on in the background. But Ailismae is all business as she prepares for her solo to the song “Lucky Corn” by Liam Green.
As the tot is walked out on the dance floor she gets a big round of applause. And she only looks a bit shy.
Once she starts dancing the nerves seem to go away.

A viral performance
As she hops and steps her way across the floor, you can see just how much she’s been practicing. Maybe her arms aren’t straight down at her sides the whole time, but her footwork is just great!

The dance doesn’t last too long, less than a minute, but it’s enough to showcase her talent.
Towards the end, another girl seems to come out to provide some backup – but we’re not sure if that was intentional or not. Anything can happen at a kids dance recital!

As her teacher cues her to take a bowl, Ailismae points a toe and soaks up her applause as she ends her performance.
She may have performed an Easy Reel, but for her age it was anything but easy!

Still dancing
Commenters were simply dazzled by the little girl.
“Oh my goodness I’m wiping the tears what a sweet little darling…3 years old what a career she has ahead of her, hope she carries on when she’s older.”
She did indeed go on to dance more. In 2018, she came in 16th place in her age category (under 11) at the North American Nationals.
Ailismae attends the Broesler School of Irish Dance in Westwood, New Jersey where she just won the Eileen Broesler Memorial Scholarship last year.
It’s clear the now-13-year-old is thriving as a dancer.
Irish dance goes worldwide
Ever since Michael Flatley’s Riverdance brought Irish dancing to the rest of the world, more and more classes have popped up around the country. Most American cities now have specialized classes for children as young as 3.
We’re not entirely sure what made Millar’s dance go viral since there are other videos of her dancing that only have a few hundred views, but we’re not surprised to see so many people watch this sweet clip.

She never could have realized at the time that so many people would watch her dance that day, but we’re certainly glad someone recorded it!
If you want to see a better quality video of her practicing her moves at the studio in her dress for the first time, be sure to click here.

Otherwise, be sure to scroll down below to see her adorable debut feis performance.
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