Along the streets of Dublin stands Mia Black, a 12 year-old girl from Galway, Ireland with a passion for singing. Standing there alone in front of nothing but a mic and a music stand, she begins to sing a cover of ‘You Are the Reason’ by Calum Scott. Technically, she’s not alone if you count the crowd that’s starting to form around her.

Though the song isn’t well known, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t deep and beautiful, and Mia’s voice only brings that out in it. The softness and lightness of her voice doesn’t seem like it should be coming from a 12 year-old, but here she is. Mia has the kind of voice that should be showcased on stage, in front of crowds of people, but the streets of Dublin will have to do for now.

It’s not like she isn’t getting any attention though. The busy sidewalk is filled with people walking by and stopping to have a listen, or throw some change in the case at her feet. Beyond that, the video of ‘You Are the Reason has been viewed over 1 million times and counting, and her other videos of covers are just as popular. Mia’s beautiful voice has gained her YouTube channel an overall following of almost 35,000 followers.
You know she’s good when you can scroll through nearly every comment on the video and no one has a mean word to say about the performance.

Mia has more songs posted to her Youtube Channel ranging from John Legend covers to Billie Eilish, each one better than the next. She has a way of making singing look so effortless.
The channel that posted the video however, is the same one that found and filmed her singing voice in the first place, Dublin City Today, and they have a pretty great back story as well.

Dublin City Today is a Youtube Channel that was created specifically for the city of Dublin’s buskers. What’s a busker, you ask? One of the talented people that play for donations on sidewalks and street corners. The owner of the channel films performances by locals and posts them to YouTube for fans they may have accrued throughout the day, or however long they have been performing. It’s a really great opportunity for these struggling artists to gather a fan base and let people know how to find them if they ever want to see a performance again

Lucky for usMia Black is a regular on the Dublin City Today and has had a couple popular videos posted to the channel, which hopefully means that there’s more to come for all her fans watching from home.
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